Session Start: Thu Oct 26 21:15:02 2000 * Logging #whosim to 'shadows2_20001026.txt' I don't even know if I'm going to play here today. I may just watch. I dont' know. Had a hard time seeing things on the irc page, kept getting 404 message for old chat page. I made it. Awe, wish you'd play. We have fun when we rock. hmm.. welllllll. Oh Tuna, sorry. I changed things around with the redesign. *** SpaceProg is now known as TravnAlan If needed I can do Peregrine and Jacie. Trav> ::enters::: Cody what would you like? Whatever's open brb Trav> Whoops.. wrong room... Alan> Dude.. I remember that Gypsy girl, though. Maximillian Sigmas and Parydian. Trav> Sorry for interrupting.. we'll be heading out now... :::Departs::: Do you feel congenial or cunning? *** TravnAlan is now known as SpaceProg < ;-)> hmmm, Lynn you want good cop or bad cop? huh? er.. I don't know.. Nice Max or mean Pary ah.. back *** IrishTCat has joined #whosim hi Rob Hiya Rob! You made it! *** Jacie sets mode: +o IrishTCat I will play any other character in my scene, but I have a hard time shifting scenes. <<>>> *** SpaceProg has quit IRC (Ping timeout for SpaceProg[]) What's David doing <<>> As usual David said he'd take what was left, so you pick first Cody. Hello ROB, HOWDY CODY, hola Jen. What problems Rob? Yep, mIRC refused me 3 times before letting me in Lynn's back *** SpaceProg has joined #whosim Yow! Cranky kitty! wb Lynn BRB.. gonna load up the script My AOl wont connect! .. My mIRC channel wouldnt connect ! The Web Java chat doesnt work! Darn cyberdemons. They were relatively nice to me, so far. Sorry Rob. How did you manage it? *** Jacie sets mode: +o SpaceProg I finally set the damn thing on random Casting? <==== The Doctor <=== Jacie and Peregrine (as needed) It took me 15 minutes to find the web page too! <======Parydian *** Cody is now known as Parydian <<--Irish T(I am in bad mood) Cat <> Ok then, that leaves Maximillian (can you sub him Tuna?) < So Max is up for anyone who wants him> Space, yoiu won't slow us down. Every added line will be an important addition to the whole. Play a character as much or as minimally as you wish. <<> And Cody, there is a guard and Keeper Mandril in your scenes. I can jump in on my alone scenes with Peregrine if you want. Holler. I will play others in my scene as needed <> K <> <> I'll get credits ready. Lynn, look in your MSN IM. I can give you the bit for Cody's first scene as Parydian. You could be the guard. A small part. <<:::Smacks cat with a cricket bat of justice:::>> Well, whether you take a part or not we are glad to have you here. <> <<> <> <> Ok guys, break a leg. <> <> <> <> # = Gallifrey medical unit *** SpaceProg is now known as Guard5 &=Chancellor's Private Quarters # ::klaxons sound through a sterile bright white infirmary:: # :::In a blastingly white metalloporceline infirmary, with a whiteness only differentiated by gleaming silver machines, the color scheme is suddenly broken.:::: # ::a familiar wheeze and groan disturbs the techs and physicians on duty:: #:::A bright blue English police call box begins to appear, accompanied by a strange sort of cosmic wheezing.::: # ::slowly a distinctive blue police box fades into view:: <> #Max> ::Turns and scowls at what he sees, a frown further furrows his well creased contenance.::: # ::the med techs scurry about but their leader just stares at the sight:: # ::suddenly the TARDIS doors slam open:: & ::Scrolls down screen of monitor muttering:: Dolt... Request for assistance to Draconians?..Not on my watch #Max> Humrumh!! # ::helps carry the half conscious timelady out of the TARDIS:: # Hurry up Maker and Roaming .. I am glad that I am not the one injured with the slowness you seem to be moving .. ::Irish runs out of the Home first:: # ::stops on the threshhold and sees her audience of sour-pussed timelords:: % :::Swivels chair and passes hand over comm link which blinks yellow::: WHAT! ::Face reddens:: They dare block ME? #:: The Doctor rushes out of the TARDIS doors carrying Peregrince::: Well, is this an infirmary or do I need to take a number? # ::Irish looks around for the most comfortable medical bed:: % ::Screams:: GUARD! # Doctor, you sure this is the right place? They don't look the least bit interested in helping. % :::Sticks his head in the door::: Ahem.. you bellowed, Chancellor? # ::The Cat jumps on the most comfortable one with a great leap:: # ::Peregrine's features change into a distorted face:: % Unblock my comm link at once! # Hurry up, Doctor. She's fading fast. *** Dr10 has quit IRC (Read error to Dr10[]: Connection reset by peer) # Put her on this one .. << can I unblock him? I dont' have the script>> *** Dr10 has joined #whosim <> #:: The Doctor gently puts Peregrine down on a proffered bio-platform, which molds to her body in providing support and monitors::: % I'm afraid I can't do that, Chancellor. #Max> :::Closely examines the Chancellor's daughter::: Regen stabilization unit, and fast! # Now you vets take care of this Maker's Kin .. She is in a bad way .. # ::med techs rush to get the unit setup:: % ::Glowers and speaks as if talking to a slow child:: Regulation 23-C " The private communications of an Officer of the High Council can N-E-V-E-R be blocked" #:: The Doctor shakes his head::: My zero room wasn't enough. I had to bring her here, it is, after all, her home. % Not until the council's Inquiry is settled, so.. :::shrugs somewhat::: Take it up with the council, Chancellor Parydian. # Of course I do consider most of you two legs in a bad way not being feline but she is very very sick .. ::Irish says almost to himself:: # ::Peregrine mumbles and groans in pain:: No... Vance... Vance! % I have my orders. % ::Seethes::: I wish to talk with my daughter, you.... funtionary! # Max> Rassilon be praised, she has vital phnysical and mental signs, she won't be regenerating. We got to her in time. #:: The Doctor smiles slightly::: Excellent. # Meow Meow Meow .. ::Irish spins around in a circle:: # She was attacked. Shot by the look of it. *** AlxKeegan has joined #whosim *** ChanServ sets mode: +o AlxKeegan # She's lucky the Doctor was there. :;thinks and remarks:: Doctor, what was she doing on Mechanus anyway? %::mouth twitches::: Talk like that won't get you good marks where the Council's concerned, Chancellor. # I thought timelords loathed traveling outside home. # It was one of those one eyed one armed metal things .. *** Jacie sets mode: +o Dr10 # It was quite delicious once I deshelled it.. # Max> And she is talking! A good sign, perhaps no cranial damage... #:: The Doctor shakes his head::: But what is she saying? <> % :::sighs::: I'm sorry. I can't help you. I have orders from higher platforms. % I Am the council, you... ::Flustered::: My daughter is on a survey and I need to talk with her # ::Irish nods his head:: She is saying she wants to pet the gorgeous feline .. <> # ::Peregrine cries out softly:: No Vance... shouldn't be here. <> # Peregrine>Wrong time... signal, I know that signal... <> % ::Scowls and in cokingly says:: Well , do I have your permission to go to my OWN office? # ::Peregrine mumbles off in agony:: ..leks... dal... eks.. # Hmmm Now she is saying that the gorgeous feline deserves a reward involving chicken and roast beef .. #Max> ::Looks at the Doctor, Jacie, and Irish.::: This is quite a troupe you have here, Doctor, but you certainly rescued this timelady in the nick of time. % :::Shrugs:: I didn't receive any orders why not. So I suppose you can, chancellor. # ::Peregrine opens eyes and blurts out in terror:: Run Vance! Run... % ::stands and pushes by guard out the door:: # ::Peregrine collapses in a fit of sorrow and weakly mumbles:: Betrayed... all of us betrayed. #Max> She seems to have stabilized now. The medibed should do the rest. <> #Max? Although right now she sounds quite mad. # Now I hear the gorgeous feline deserves a large saucer of cream with his food .. & = Chancellor's Office <> &:::escorts Parydian to his office::: <> #:: The Doctor nods approvingly:: Yes, quite a troupe, in more ways than you think. *** Guard5 has quit IRC (Read error to Guard5[]: No route to host) #Max> Doctor, these are difficult times on Gallifrey, and this may be a symptom of our social illnesses of the spirit. If I could have a private word with you.... # ::Irish beams proudly:: Its a good thing I am hear to translate her babbling isnt it .. *** Guard5 has joined #whosim #:: The Doctor looks at Jacie and nods::: Stay with her, Jacie, listen to her, while I listen to him. *** Jacie sets mode: +o Guard5 # ::Irish leaps up on Maker's shoulder:: # I am going to! <> # Private word, now Doctor? <> #Good, I need you Irish. Just in case. <> # She hardly looks settled. Are you certain these gizmos will work? <> # Maybe we should have taken her to Karn instead. #:: The Doctor nods to Jacie:: I am sure, this bad is more able than I am. It is actually connected to the great Timelord Doctors who have passed on, now stored in the Matrix. <<:::pins celery to guard uniform:: ahh.. that's better:::>> # And we all know how safe the matrix is. ::snipes:: #But, I want to know what she says, and I will be right back. # They are all blabber mouths .. I don't know how they can be considered great .. # If its all the same then Doctor, I'll stick around here. #:: The Doctor smiles::: Exactly. #:: The Doctor turns, Irish nlon his shoulder, and follows Maximillian Sigmas.::: # Max> :::Sigmas leads the way out of the room, the MedTechs all click their heels as he walks by::: # ::watches the timelord and her friends depart:: <> @ = Private Timelord Lounge <> # ::afterward the medtechs drop their snap-to demeanor and go back their matrix terminals completely ignoring Jacie and the patient:: @ Maker .. I have decided that I now want to be an Ascended Saiyon .. Like that Goku and Vegeta human types .. # :;scoffs:: Figures. <> @:: The Doctor follows Sigmas into a sealed conference chamber.::: # Why do you timelord lot always have that arrogant aloofness? ::says to Peregrine:: <> @ Max> :::Waves his hand and the room turns into a small garden, with a bubbling fountain and simple benches to sit on among the flower beds.::: @ ::Irish notices a bowl of trout flavored cream and goes yum:: &:::Starts to follow Parydian in::: & ::Stops at door and speaks to guard:: Why don't you stand here and actually guard something? @Max> :::Smiles as Irish sees bowlmof cream::: # ::the timelady answers her with a soft unintellible mumble:: @ You can be Picollo and Roaming Girl can be Chi Chi .. & :::looks daggers at the Chancellor, but concedes::: Very well, Chancellor. &:::stands to outside the door::: <> @:: The Doctor takes a seat on one of the benches and looks at the bubbling water::: It must be quite serious to call for this kind of proxemic engineering, Maximillian. Please, feel free to communicate your message. @ ::Irish once again has been spending too much time watching the holovids and Homes database:: @Max> ::Ofers Doctor a cup of tea, which the Doctor takes::: # Sorry, I guess it's just in your genes. & :::Reaches into heliotrope robe as he crosses to his long range comm link. Hidden from guard he removes a small disc and passes it over the link. It blinks::How dare they?! # Though the Doctor's different. Why can't you lot be more like him? @ ::Irish looks up from his bowl of cream with a whisker moustache:: I refuse to be the Presidnet of this place .. # ::Peregrine stills in response:: @Max> It is so good to see you again, I regretted the way we parted before, and really, you should stop by and visit more often. It is your home planet, after all. # ::the timelady's body begins to shine with semi-transparent sheen:: *** AlxKeegan is now known as DWMandril &:::Sidles closer to the closed door to have a little evesdropping session::: # ::gets worried:: Timelady? Peregrine? & ::::Mandril, Keeper of the Matrix, approaches Parydian's office::: @ Its too noisy .. ::Irish returns to his bowl of cream :: &::mutters:: The idiocy of those kowtowing fools. Tapping the link of the Chancellor @:: The Doctor sips his tea and speaks calmly:: Cut the homespun twaddle, Maximillian, I am not interested in any little Timelord games. & :::Sees Mandril approach and stands to once more::: # ::the timelady's dark hair seems to burn with energy bleaching before Jacie's eyes:: # Um, hey, we need some help here! ::calls out the med techs:: @ ::Irish ears perk up:: Does it involve chasing brightly colored balls ? # ::one looks up at his desk monitor but the vitals on the instruments haven't changed:: # ::med tech looks down and goes back to his work:: @Max> :::Goes stern all of a sudden:: Very well, Doctor. I will not mince words. I have been concerned, very concerned, about the progression of certain events. For myself, for the Timelords, for the universe. @:: The Doctor shakes his head::: I'll have to draw my own conclusions, but continue. & ::Sees his visitor and smiles extending hands::Welcome, Keeper Mandril. # ::Jacie is about to get up and strangle the lazy tech when a flash of light absorbs Peregrine:: @ Hmpph .. Doesnt sound like a fun game to me .. & ::Mandrill gives the guard a friendly nod, then goes into the office::: # ::in another instant the energy subsides and Peregrine's features change:: & ::takes Parydian's h ands and smiles:: Thank you, it's good to see you again. # ::her dark, harsh features soften to a lighter hue, blue eyes and whitish-yellow hair:: & :::watches them enter out of the corner of his eye and then, once they enter, he puts his ear to the door once more::: @Max> Things are changing Doctor, changing here on Gallifrey. The old ways, the ways of Rassilon, are under challenge. More and more voices are heard for us to not just observe, but to use our power. # ::she looks like a twin of the Thal that helped rescue her on Mechanus:: @:: The Doctor listens carefully and answers:: There have always been those, even in thebeginning. & ::Pointedly looking at the guard:: Here with the maintanace shecdule already? Good to see SOMEONE'S doing their job correctly < I've got some artsy-fartsy black clothes she could wear... >>> & ::Mandril gives a questioning nod towards the door:::: # ::Peregrine lets out a long, easy sigh:: @ ::Irish hacks and coughs after finishing his bowl of cream:: @Max> But consider this Doctor. I believe that we have already broken the code of observation, and are revising the laws of time. I believe that the redesign of the timelines may have already begun. # ::as Jacie watches the instrument display shows a different graph... a slightly altered bioscan:: &:: Waves Mandril into office, closing door behind them:: & I always try to do my part. As a matter of fact, I have it right here. # Peregrine? ::asks tentatively:: @:: The Doctor frowns:: How? You must have proof of that. @ Humans and their odd notions of power .. ::Irish hacks up a furball:: <> # ::the timelady opens her eyes and focuses on her nursemaid:: & :::Mandril takes out his list and goes over to the desk:::: & ::A little too loud:: Ah, very interseting ::: Switches dampening field on::Now, we can talk freely # Peregrine>Councilor to you Vance. Formality must be maintained. @Max> It begins with those who also have intertemporal powers, like the STiGs. But it will be more, the time corridor using Daleks, renegde Timelords, will be revised out of existence. That is already hat has happened to your red-haired companions people, or most of them. <> &:::brows furrow as all goes quiet in there:: @ :::Irish gets bored and jumps in the middle of the fountain to hover over the water :: & Mandril gives a little sigh of relief <> @Max> Before these things are done incorrectly, we need a new, enlightened mission of protection and nurture for all of existence, bu it needs leaders, it needs vision, and the nxt leader of Gallifrey can provide that. & There are times when I feel I'll never get used to all this intrigue. @::Irish has been showing these odd displays of power more and more often without realizing he is doing it:: # I'm Jacie. Are you al-- ::stops when Peregrine collapses again eyes closed firmly: & :::looks a bit aggrivated that he's out of the loop and has no idea what's going on in there::: # ::Peregrine keeps eyes closed and shouts:: Hand scanner! # What? @Max> We are at a cropssroads, Doctor, moving into a brighter future or falling back into a dark age of indifference. I am afraid that poor woman was caught in the crossfire, so to speak. @:: The Doctor sees Irish hover and reminds himself to question Irish about it later::: & ::Smiles:: A necessity at the moment # Peregrine>:::shoots out an arm clipping Jacie's head:: Hand scanner, Vance! Give it... give it... to me. # Peregrine> ::roars:: NOW! @ ::Irish gets tired of looking at the wet stuff and jumps over to Makers shoulder:: # Calm down. It's alright. You're on Gallifrey. You don't need the-- @:: The Doctor closes his eyes and thinks of Lora, and sees her arguing for her mission for Gallifrey. Then he opens his eyes and returns to the garden conference with Maximillianj::: <> # Peregrine>:;grips Jacie by the collar:: NOW! ::eyes open and beckonL:: Please. & Now, let's see...sentiment on the High Council is definitely turning against you. @Max> I fear, Doctor, that they will stoop to using the old weapons of the Dark Time. The Time Scoop, or worse. @ I am a Super Saiyon Maker .. ::Irish opens his mouth in a cat grin:: & Thos simipering dogs, that's to be expected # Alright, just a second. ::wriggles out of Peregrine's hold and goes rummaging thru her things:: @ Maker I know about what he istalking about .. & However, seeing as how the evidence is all circumstanstial, it may be possible to swing it back your way. @:: The Doctor nods uncomfortably, putting vents together, piecing the story into a whole, but still not complete, so he decides to not share his ideas with Max.:: It could be so. ::Nodding:: Goood, good @ Remember .. I told you .. # ::pulls a small device the size of a book out of Peregrine's discarded travel robe:: @ The swirly thing .. & You are definitely in bad with the guards...they looked up to Andros, you know. # ::the box is a translucent blue, wet and dulled with a broken crystal display:: # Peregrine> Vance...! @:: The Doctor stares at Irish with that "sshh" look.::: # Here it is. But it's broken, I think. Do you want me to-- & :::sneers:: The sentimental fool! He never had the stomach to rule @ ::Irish considers the look and goes Meow ? :: # ::Peregrine snaps it from Jacie's hand and clutches the hand scanner to her chest:: @Max> ::Leans in to hear Irish::: Yes? # ::the timelady falls silent as if regaining strength or her thoughts:: @ I am a Super Saiyon Cat ! & There are many who support you, who remember the old ways. @Max> Interesting feline, I thought trout cream would be a tempting treat. # ::wonders if she should get help:: & You need only give the word and they will move to end this farcical election. # ::Peregrine opens her blue eyes suddenly and stares at the hand scanner:: & I know old friend but everything in it's season # ::she punches a recall display, but the broken crystal blinks off:: & ::Mandril nods in understanding::: % First, all the surveys must return to Gallifrey @ Cats are impossibly to buy with tasty goodies .. @:: The Doctor stands and gives Max his tea cup:: Well, Gallifrey politics has never been a favorite study of mine, Maximillian, and if it isn't specific, then I will try and stay out of it. Meanwhile, I would like to check on the injured timesister of ours. << Oh I wouldn't say that, Irish>>> # ::Peregrine moans:: Too much power... Dalek fire... Vance why? # ::timelady collapses back into her bed, her vitals fluctuate and dip:: & The we can have a "fair and free election" ::smiles <> # Peregrine? :;worried:: Hey, hang on. # It's ok. ::tries to pry the hand scanner from her:: The circuits are fine. # ::examines the unit:: It's probably just a loose power chip. & Indeed. @ Perhaps we should go check on Roaming Girl then .. The cream is gone anyway .. @:: The Doctor leaves the conference room and the garden vanishes, he encourages Irish who lags a bit.:: Come on Irish, there are lots of bowls of cream in this universe. # ::Peregrine moans:: Too late... too late... # No it's not. I can fix it. # Just hold on. Peregrine? ::notices she goes pale:: @ Maker , Why cant I tell your nosy Kin about the other Bad Kin who got sucked up ? I sort of liked him .. # Peregrine>He betrayed us.. he killed you... & I have more bad news...another use of the time scoop has been detected. # Who? &:::Stands outside, bored out of his wits, humming a song::: @ = corridor # ::Peregrine slips into a deep coma, her vitals barely hovering above survival:: # ::gets a suspicious feeling inside, some intrique is about that's more than vicious Daleks:: % ::quietly sings:: Thank you very much-o Mr. Roboto for helping me escape when I needed you.. @ Besides swirly things are really dangerous when humans play with them .. & ::Shrugs:: Inevitable I suppose, it takes so much power. But Don't worry, it was off world and I have already isolated it. The fools in the Council aren't likely to have detected it @:: The Doctor looks back at Irish::: Well, we don't know all the facts yet, let's find out what it all means before we start getting involved. I don't believe that Time Scoop part of the story. That would take too much power and temporal control. # ::determined:: No more timelord conspiracies. I've had enough of this. # ::reaches into her bag of tricks for her tools and starts repairing the hand scanner:: @ I could run the Time Scoop if I wanted too .. ::Irish says proudly:: Whats a time scoop though ? #I can't believe that any of these current lot are capable of it. There just aren't many like Borusa around any more, thank goodness. & It went to Mechanus, you know & :::Smiling:: It went to Mechanus. That was Technician Vance's assignment> Pity how the opposition just keeps disappearing @It is something very cruel and very heartless. With its use, no one is safe from being its victim in all of space and time. That's a big threat. & It was also where Peregrine went. WHAT! I personally sent her to Skaro, I even talked to her there @ Yay! Where can we get one for me to play with then Maker ? @ I saw it used once on an indoor location, the contents of the room simply vanished, and nothing but a blackened space was left, all of the molecules surrounding the missing space were shattered and crumbling. & Her assignment was changed by the High Council. @:: The Doctor turns left into a sickeningly blackened hallway. He stops::: A hallway just like this. & I though you knew! @::Irish looks disappointed:: That means that me getting one for christmas is unlikely then .. & Those meddling .... ::Storms out of office knocking aside Mandril and then the guard:: & ::sings:: I am Killroy.. Killroy.. Ki-- :::Takes off after the Chancellor when he explodes out of the room::: @:: The Doctor hangs his head::: This is where Andros was vaporized, a very sad place indeed. It tells a very sad story. @ ::Irish looks around:: This is where that swirly thing struck .. & ::hurriedly follows after Parydian::: <# - Infirmary> @ Yes, Irish, it is. <> <> <> <> # ::Throws open doors and bellows:: Maximillian! # ::nearly drops the hand scanner:: @ It messed up my fur something awful .. I have changed my mind Maker.. I do not want a Time Scoop for christmas .. @Max> :::Comes uop behind them::: That's right Doctor, you recognize the sign of the time scoop. It is being used. # :::Trots along behind him nearly getting hit in the head by the door swinging back::: # He's not here. Do you mind keeping it down? <~so many fishes, but none for me~> @ That is very, very bad news. <> # If it hasn't escaped you arrogant lot there's a critically-wounded timelady here. #:::follows behind last of all..he is not in as good shape as he used to be::: # Daleks usually kill with one blast. She's lucky the Doctor found her. # ::Sneers:: When I want an off worlder's comments Gallifrey will be crushed by the collapsing universe # ::crosses arms and sneers back:: Typical. << Not much of a B5'er.>> @Max> There is more bad news. I recognize some of Peregrine's wounds as time burns, not directed energy beam as was thought. She seems to hsave escaped from the time scoop, a group with a very small membership. # Why the Doctor even bothered to entertain Dr. Sigmas or any of you lot with a moment of his time, I don't know. # I want to see Maximillian at once! <<::shrugs::>> # You Gallifreyans at like you own the Universe. # I told you. Dr. Sigmas isn't here. @ I was too swift and brave to be caught in the swirly thing .. # :::murmers:: tell me about it.. # He's with the Doctor. Now why you just go somewhere. @Max> Doctor, you must see that there is a powerful but mad person at work here. # :::THINKS:: Soon we will # ::huffing and puffing, Mandril soon reaches the infirmary:::: # She doesn't need your bellowing to distract her regeneration. Or don't you care if a fellow timelady dies? @:: The Doctor shakes his head:: That is what members of the high council always say. What kind of a person would use a time scoop as an executioner? @ Maker doesn't want to get involved .. @ So you Kin must learn to do things on your own with out b othering us all the time .. # ::shoots an angry nod toward Peregrine who is even paler:: # :::Looks at bed and stops, despite the change he recognizes his daughter and stops dead, turning pale and wavering":: @ Max> :::Becomes very solemn:: What kind of a person? The kind of a person, a power mad politician, who would use such a weapon against his own daughter! <> & :::gives Parydian a questioning look::: <~I'm thinking of thinking of hooking a fish~> <> # Maximillian you incompetent imbicile! ::storms out:: <~after my afternoon nap~> # ::notices what could be an actual genuine tender emotion in the shouting timelord's face:: @:: The Doctor nods as he realizes who Maximillian is talking about.::: & :::rolls eyes, wishing the Chancellor wouldn't run everywhere and trots out after him::: # :::Mandril is surprised to see Parydian storming out of the infirmary towards him::: <> <> # :::Catches Mandril's sleeve:: @ Parydian. <> # What is it? What's wrong? # ::Leans in and whispers:: The time is now, call eveyone. Today we take back Gallifrey! # ::comes to a halt a few feet away, eyeing the two suspiciously::: <> # :::nods his understanding::: <> <> Bravo! *** Guard5 is now known as SpaceProg *** DWMandril is now known as AlxKeegan Bravissimo! Hurray!! Good job everyone! I am the moderen man... who hides behind a mask.. Thanks You all too congrats to all My but the sceneray was delicious ;) Great job guys. You bring a tear to the scripter's eyes. Sorry if I botched anything, but I did my best to follow the story. I love the guard Lynn. COuldn't have scripted better. Nice job everyone What did the last Xodran say just before he died? :::smiles::: You guys really rock! What did he say? What? * IrishTCat does wild cat dance "Argggh" ah Or is that Hgggra? it's a joke * SpaceProg gets out of guard uniform I see.. :::brows furrow::: Interesting you did fine tonight, lynn You stick a claw here You stick a claw there .. You stick a claw in and wiggle it all about ... Maybe not funny if it needs be explained David? ;) Thanks, Dave Did they see the kind ofmmovies pirates like, "Arrrr..." rated movies? nah, it shouldn't need to be explained LOL Rob! When Simalina Pilchard jumped off the Eiffel Tower, what was the last thing that went tru her mind? couldnt' have done it without my prompter on MSN messenger LOL Tuna! Ouch? That she was named after a fish? That's what I'm here for. IM Prompter is my middle name. :::Sneers evily:: Her feet! This timeslot worked out well for me. Oooh! Nasty. Uh.. I don't get it. Love playing villians LOL * IrishTCat is too busy doing wild cat dance to laugh at Maker's joke Yeah, it worked better for me to Tuna. How about everyone else? It was fine for me as well Great for venting everything negative Uh Lynn, first you hit the ground with your head.. ::splatter:: then your feet.... Doc and CO tonight at 12:30.. same whosim channel. ah... *** Parydian is now known as Cody Yah, continuing with Penumbra? sounds very.. graphic Hopefully It is. Nasty. Guess it depends on turnout Penumbra.. Doc and Co's halloween Story Sorry I didn't make it last night. I was having a busier day than I thought. hope it turns out well then Did you get far? Excellent. Well, I will be on my way! Cheers all, I look forward to next script. Sorry, I will be beddy bye at 12:30, but I would love to be there otherwise. NYC for me this weekend. I understand. me too Night Tuna! Travel well Tuna Night, Tuna Take care! hmm.. his name makes me hungry.. Rob, Pokewho has a nice evil cat you could do In Next Weeks Thrilling Episode " Can the Doctor save Gallifrey ? Can Irish convince anyone he is a Super Saiyon ? Can Jacie Avoid being the handywoman ? " Tune ine Next Week! *** Dr10 has quit IRC (Quit: Dr10) yeah.. Pokewho! WIth Meowth! Take care!1 Meowtch (sp?) Meowth No cat is Evil! For what it's worth, next week will be the stunning conclusion to this little tale. hey rob, have you taken a look at the Pokethulu game? Cool Pokethulu? that's cool Jen:-) Pardon:: OFfers can of smoked salmon:: We are neither good nor bad Mostky indifferent .. yep.."gotta catch you all" :::looks forward to Trav's second appearance on NADW Nope Dafid That's true Rob. Or my kitty is. parody cross of Pokemon and Cthulu Unless you're not giving her the milk she wants. LOL it sounds very funny, was listed in the december previews Wow that's a cross crossover :) Pokewho is a Parody cross between Pokeman and DW. Sluggy Freelance Had a horro script called Kitten ah, I see Yeah.. It's pretty funny' We only managed to finish one part, as our Ace is hardly ever online anymore. David and Rob, you guys should play it with us sometime. On the late nights. Meow ? ::Then somebody would loose a limb :: Hopefully, Heather could be our new Ace for a while untill Kelly's free again, anyway Speaking of, I see Heather's smeginoids online but no heather. Does she leave herself connected while in school? Hm? A teenage Australian girl playing a teenage English girl? I don't know ;) hmmmm hmmmm Well she was, earlier. Two Fives responding the same way.. About 9pm my time. Don't I play enough felines in a hartnellish fashion :) But you do it so well hmmmmmmmm meoooooooowwwwwwww! *** SpaceProg is now known as DocFive well, I think I shall be going now, have to eat dinner and take some more headache medicine :::grabs the cat and runs for the boundary to make a 4 over score::: Awe, you didn't tell me you had a headache David. Night David Night Dave Feel better. Ahh, hope you get better son Nite Feel better, dude yep, not too bad though, thanks! Night Cody Night Jen see you all tomorrow night! See ya then. I will do my best:-) Night! :::runs with the cat in his arms like a football::: Night Lynn *** AlxKeegan has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) And on that note, I think I'll get a second helping of din-din. * IrishTCat disappears Ok.. will you be here tomorrow? nite See ya back here in a couple hours. dooh er.. Tonight, I mean *** IrishTCat has left #whosim Cool Oh, tomorrow? Yeah, ok.`Tonight. Cool Uh huh. I'm planning on it. See you two later :-) Well technically it IS tomorrow yeah.. true See ya later then! but it's tonight's night.. er.. or.. oh dont' worry about it. CUL Later :-) Time is always relative Indeed Ciao! Session Close: Thu Oct 26 22:48:33 2000