Session Start: Thu Jan 11 19:09:06 2001 * Logging #whosim to '#ja1.log' Meanwhile the Doctor gets warning via his time safe that Damon, his earth friends and Earth are in peril from some as yet named forced. We must go to Earth and save Damon and Earth. OK * IrishTCat doesnt want to save the earth I suggest we do something like was done a few eps ago in Buffy - a demon that comes from outerspace in a meteorite. Ok I am almost in character :) The ep had this really disgusting alien demon that was killing crazy people. (in the safe you'll find an explanatory note, along with 3 tickets to the last performance of the Scarlet Pimpernel musical at the Temple Buelle Theatre in Denver,co, on 12/31/00) I say that everyone thinks Irish is the demon instead :) Oh cool. Sounds good to me. Are we ready for a little play? * IrishTCat meows you can have some kind of monster show up and interrupt the performance if you want, right after the intermission at the end of Act 1 I can take any and all female Buffy roles as needed. yep yep, am ready, we should do a quick casting call <=========Damon and Smithers Warning: I have never seen a Buffy episode. all you have to do in concentrate on being the Doctor:-) <<--Irish T(he King of the Time) Cat So help a bumbling Doctor out on this one. (he has met Buffy and crew though, 2 years ago Halloween) Oh, Buffy characters are ... Buffy the slayer , Willow a redhaired witch, Tara her witch friend, Xander the bumbling but brave friend, Anya his former demon always says what's on her mind girlfriend, and Giles their British Watcher. (well, some of them anyway) who do you want to play,cody? There's also Dawn, Buffy's little sister who is a "key" ala Key To Time type thing aka Princes Astra. that's cool:-) OK, here we go. *** Cody is now known as Xander <==== Jacie et al but we should leave Dawn out of this one rolling credits now, everyone have fun! <==== le Docteur <<>> <<>> <<>> @ = Damon's TARDIS # = TARDIS In the Vortex # = the TARDIS (Cody, why don't you have them all meeting at the Magic Shop?) (that's right, cody) # ::lounges on the settee reading a dog-eared book:: # :: The Doctor strolls iinto the console room and polishes a few switches with his handkerchief:: # ::Irish is busy being Irish meaning that hes his usual contrary catself:: $=The Magic Box # Maker Why is this box humming ? # :: The Doctor mumbles::: Back to wandering, exploring, now forward..... # Hmm! Oh please, what kind of idiot doesn't know his archenemy is dressed up like a woman? @ :::Damon walks into the TARDIS control room, clad in black shoes, slacks and tie, charcoal gray shirt, nice sweater and a black jacket::: # ::Irish puts his head next to the box and hums along:: *** AlxKeegan is now known as DWJonatha # Chauvlin could only be fiction. No one is that stupid in real life. @ :::Smithers takes a look at Damon and gives a mental sigh:: # :: The Doctor looks at Irish::: Well, what have we here. The time safe, is it. *** Panose has joined #whosim # Only a human would be fooled by such a thing . # ::tosses book aside and looks up:: Time safe? # ::Irish pats the safe looking box with a paw:: @ Smithers> Well Damon, where are we heading off to now? # ::gets up and joins others:: What's a time safe, Doctor? *** Panose has left #whosim # I don't know what it is but its making a nice sound . #Yes, a time safe. Sort of a temporal mailbox. A message from a future self. Don't get them very often , you know. Usually very important. @ :::Damon walks over to the console and begins entering coordinates::: # Hummmm Hummmmm Hummmmmm .. @ I thought I asked you to call me Jonathan? @ Smithers> Oh yes, sir, I keep forgetting. # ::Irish jumps up on top of the safe and hums along :: # Well, then what does it say? # :: The Doctor flips his hand and rubs it on the front of the box, it opens, and a small bit of velvet fabric appears.::: # It isnt saying anything Its just humming Roaming Girl .. @ In answer to your question..Earth time is now Dec. 31, 2000. The eve of a New Year, Century and Millenium. # :: The Doctor pulls on the velvet and out somes a brilliant blue velvet bag. The Doctor shakes it and inspects the contents."::: @ I decided we should go celebrate. # ::rolls eyes:: I meant what does the message inside say, Irish. Please you're beginning to sound human to me. @ Smithers> How are we going to celebrate this? @ By picking up some guests and going to a musical. # ::Irish looks shocked:: Theres no call to be so insulting Roaming Girl ! # :: The Doctor smiles aha, two tickets! Let's see, why they are for the Buelle Theatre in Denver, Earth, December 31, 2000, and quite a play, @ :::smithers arches his eyebrow::: Guests? $ :::Enters back of The Magic Box, removes jacket and tie from the contract meeying he's just left and turns on old b&w tv and tosses pop corn into microwave while the old Philips set warms up::: # Sound human hmpphhh. # :: The Doctor smiles at Jacie:: Scarlet Pimpernel. @ Why yes, I thought we could take some of my friends from Sunnydale along. # :: The Doctor then finds another piece of paper and frowns at it.::: Oh, this isn't good. # Are we going back to see the man with the horses Maker ? @ :::the TARDIS begins making its characteristic arrival noises:::: # ::glimpses at the picture program:: So we get to see the fictitious fool Chauvlin in action. # Maybe he can teach irish some lessons on sounding more human. ::grins:: # Two tickets mean that only I and Maker can go see Makers friend. #AND THERE IS MORE .... I seem to have writen a warning to myself. It seems that Damon is on his way to that same spot of Earth, and the fate of the entire planet is in doubt. *** DWJonatha is now known as BTVSGiles $ :::Adjusts rabbit ears trying to get a good signal:: Ahh.. no good :::Removes jacket from hanger and puts it on antennae:: Ahh, there you go # ::grin sours:: How? # Soft Curves and Bearer of Treats got to go with Maker to see his friend the Scarlet Pimpernel # :: The Doctor rubs the tickets together and two become three.:: I can also do this with chocolate chip cookies. # What's going to happen? Aren't there any details? $ :::Giles pokes his head into the back room::: Ah, it's you Xander. #Not really, I must have been in a hurry when I left this note. # My brothers and sister did get to play for a while in one of Maker's Bad Kins boxes . $ > TV set > Stay tuned after the broadcast from Times Square for the monster movie marathon::Enters shop and calls out ::: Anya? $ We just finished a training session, Buffy is in the store. # :: The Doctor adjjusts the TARDIS controls:: Well, we should arrive momentarily. I suggest party garb, whatever that means. In my case, it means my usual wardrobe. #Every day should be a party. # I will clean my fur . ::Irish begins to lick his fur with his tongue: $ I believe she'll be along shortly, Xander. #::The TARDIS materializes:: # :: The Doctor waves his hand in th air:: And here we are... $ Well Giles be prepared to learn a little something yourself tonight. First up Steven McQueen against The Blob ::Grins:: $ Anya> ::busy counting the register:: Five hundred one and seventeen... what? Xander you made me lose my count. $ :::Buffy looks up from reading a book and smiles wanly at Xander::: $ :::The door chimes as it opens and in walks Anya, followed by Willow and Tara::: $ Anya> ::holds up the green:: Money, very important. Who cares about a lighted ball and plastic monsters. Please I've dated much scarier. # :: The Doctor heads for the door:: Damon just hasn't been himself since his loss, our loss. #That doesnt look like the place where they eat those shell things ? ::Irish looks at monitor:: [[Irish thinks that we are going to see the real SP ]] $ :::Takes Anya's jacket and kisses her on the cheek, Willow turns waiting but Xander is walking off talking to Anya:: # :: The Doctor walks out::: It depends on what you mean, Irish, be more specific...coordinates would help... # Those things that leave the slimy trail .. (i'm just an interfering busybody:-)) # ::steps out of TARDIS onto the street just beside the Magic Shop:: # That the forgs eat.. # Hmmm, looks like an empty street to me, Doctor. $ After my favorite STEVEN McQueen movie there's an old friend of yours own... Dana Andrews in Curse of the Demon <# - TARDIS Crew> # The place where they have that large metal oil rig with no oil .. #They often start out like that, but rarely stay that way. No, the time safe never lies, I have sent myself here, so it must be the right place. # The ifel Toweer .. (so they'll have to follow them to the musical) # Oh yes Thank you Voice .. France #I wouldn't dream of deceiving myself. # Where the scarlet Pimpernal lives .. <$=The Magic Box> # :: The Doctor shakes his head::: This is not France, Irish, and the Scarlet Pimpernel is in a play, here in Denver, 12-31-2000 earth time. # :: The Doctor wets his finger and holds it up::: Not too long before midnight, it would seem. (I had actually planned for the Doctor and company to go straight to the musical and run into eveyone there) #Its not france ? Oh I wondered where the hurs were .. # ::Irish levitates in the air to get a better look:: # :: The Doctor points down the street:: The Buelle Theatre should be this way... # :: The Doctor starts walking in the direction he indicated.::: # Whats a magic box Maker ? # Is that like Home ? # :: The Doctor looks sideways at Irish:: You know, I once had a dog that hovered in the air like that, Irish. $ :::with a smoother version of the characteristic noise, and a shimmering light, Damon's TARDIS appears in the Magic Shop) # ::walks along, shivering in the cold:: Magic would be summoning up some heat. Brrrr, is it's getting colder. *** PoorJew invites you to join #teamgridlock # ::Irish looks offended:: First Roaming Girl insults me now you Maker . # Let's get inside before I freeze to death. Or worse, think of cuddling with Irish for warmth, (the scooby gang are in sunnydale, jonathan is about to show up and offer to take them to denve to the musical> # Being compared to one of those drooling foolish beasts is almost more insulting than being compared to a human. >Anya> But I want to "Go to the theatre"...:::Gives a look::: I spent $90 on a new dress $ :::the TARDIS appears in the form of an egyptian pyramid::: >Anya> Well... new to me , anyway *** Aggedor has joined #whosim *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Aggedor # :: The Doctor smiles::: I thought you might think that. # Its not cold .. $ Willow> ::rolls eyes:: Anya, there are more important things in life than your wardrobe budget. @ Damon>:::smiles as he successfully pilots the TARDIS into a smooth landing for only the second time::: $ ::Looks toward backroom then at Anya:: err... :::Turns and gets tie and jacket, starts putting them on:: @ Damon> :::to Smithers::: Just follow my lead, Smithers. # :: The Doctor takes out his pocket watch and scans the area:: No tracew of time distortions yet, Damon's TARDIS isn't within a hundred miles of here. We are obviously meant to go to the theatre. $>Anya> ::Looks puzzled::: What? # Do they serve fish at the theatre ? (you can react to the TARDIS whenever you're ready, Cody) # :: The Doctor and company turn the corner and see the Denver Performing Arts Center.::: # ::Irish is still flaoting in air like a cat helium baloon:: $ Tara> Um... not to interrupt, but did anyone else notice that just appear. ::points to pyramid:: # :: The Doctor smiles::: Oh, candied kipper snacks, no doubt, with extra butter. Choco-covered anchovie bits, if we are lucky. $ :::Sees pyramid while tying tie:: OOH!...ah... guys! # Chcolate ? Ick! $ Buffy> ::whips around, stake in hand ready for action:: What is it? #I should have brought my hoverbaord . $ Unless it's a new advertising promo... it's probably trouble *** BTVSGiles is now known as BTVSJonat $ Willow>It wasn't me. No summoning here. $ :::an opening appears in the pyramid, thru it steps a smartly dressed Jonathan, followed by an english major domo, circa early 20th Century::: & = Buelle Theatre & ::Irish floats back down to the ground:: $ :::smiles::: Oh good, you're all here! & :::A few of the techies finalize stage props as the play is about to begin.::: &Is this where the Scarlet Pimpernal Lives now ? & ::One techie hears a rasp in the dark corner and moves towartds it.::: $::Hefts mop like club, then lowers it:: Johnathan? & :: A huge and appalingly terrifying demon emerges from the darkness and reaches for the techie.::: & Techie> Wait, we don't have a character in that costume! $ ::Turns to others:: Oh great, he's playing around with magic again $ ::to smithers:: See, I told you they'd recognize me. $ Oh no, it's not magic, it's technology! &:: The techie is grabbed by the throat and gurgles as the demon drags him into the darkness, followed by a crunching sound, and then silence.:: $ Anya>Technology? How much is it worth? $ :::Condescending:: Oh yeah, right. You're the world's greatest inventor too $ Willow and Buffy> ::in unison:: Anya! #::Irish spins around in a circle three times as he looks at the theatre:: $ :::he points his thumb at the pyramid behind him::: This is a time machine! :::crosses his arms and smiles a bit smugly::: $ Buffy> Time Machine? *** Aggedor is now known as Fenric [[Hes a regular Jules Verne ]] # :: The Doctor motions for them to get in line with their tickets.:: I hope they admit cats. $ Smithers> ::to Xander::: He didn't invent the TARDIS, young man, he just owns this one. # Don't worry Maker . I have been studying Jedi mind powers .. $ Willow>For managing time? Jules Verne would be envious. $ No, Willow, for traveling thru time and space. # Irish, how about adopting that green man suit like you did when we were gangsters? $ ::Looks at butler::: Why did you conjure Jeeves here instead of another set of twin babes? # Shhh I am using Jedi powers Roaming Girl .. $ I didn't have any choice, he comes with the TARDIS. $ Tara>Neat. So you can go back in time. # :: The Doctor gives them each a ticket as they are about to enter::: # ::Irish levitates up to present his ticket:: $ :::Looks at Anya Buffy Willow and Tara, clears throat::... I mean.. women $ ::to Tara:: or forward in time. $ Willow> Oooh, can i go back to 3rd grade. There's a Barbie doll I'd like to save from somebody's destruction. ::glares at Xander:: $ Or halfway across the galaxy, even! # Thank you. ::Irish says as he gets waved into the theatre :: $ But for my next trip, I had planned on something a little more local. $ How else can you learn the difference between flammable and inflamable? $ Anya>I hope it's the theatre. Somebody ::glares at Xander:: promised we'd be watching the best of the theatrical highlights. $ :::Jonathan's face takes on an apologetic look::: $ Willow> There ISN'T any difference! $ Well I know that... now $ Giles> Children, please! $ To make it up to you all for what I put you all thru...I wanted to offer to take you all to see the musical, "The Scarlet Pimpernel", to celebrate New year's eve. # Where are the kippers and anchovies ? ::Irish asks:: $ Buffy> Pimpernel, didn't we have that for Senior french lit class, Wil? $:: Hangs head:: $ :::he takes an envelope out if his pocket, removes 9 tickets and fans them::: # ::Watches from shadows while people enter the theatre:: $ Would you all please come see the musical with me? $ Oh great... a musical yet # :: The Doctor smiles:: I can't guarantee they have the best snacks here, but try the snack bar. $ Willow> Oooh, yes. It's a play now. Really fun. Lots of swordplay and fighting and dancing. $ Tara>Of course, fighting and swordplay and dancing always go together with music to me. $ Anya> Well what are we waiting for. I'm dressed. $ Hrmmp... It's no Blob #::Irish floats oer to the snack bar and comes back looking disappointed:: # ::Looks at the fzmiliar figures at the Snack bar:: $ ::smiles happily:: that's great! $ Now, if you'll just follow Smithers into the TARDIS... $ Giles>Pity no blob. I guess we'll have to endure Xander. :;reaches for his coat:: $ What? Is your "time machine" also a clown car? $ :::Smithers gives the Scooby Gang a weak smile and steps into the TARDIS::: $ ::: To Giles::: You'll never understand American classics $ No, even better, it's Transcendentally...what was that other word, Smithers? $ Anya>Xander... don't pester the man. ::follows Smithers:: $ ::::Damon gives each one of the Scooby Gang a ticket as they follow Smithers into the TARDIS::: # :: The Doctor makes his way towards their seats, third row, right side. His favorite.::: $ ::Follows Anya like a well trained puppt:: # ::makes her way from snack bar with a couple drinks:: #I will go to our seats Maker and wait for you and Rooaming Girl:: # ::A Ticket Materialises in the hand:: # ::joins Doctor and Irish in a corner of the crowd:: Here, it's lemonade, I think. # :: The Doctor takes his seat and watches the theatre as it fills up.::: $ ::::Damon follows them into the TARDIS, the opening disappears, and the TADIS dematerializes::: @ = inside Damon's TARDIS # ::Irish decides to curl up in his seat and absorb the show by osmosis:: # ::hangs back a bit taking a sip watching the crowded lobby:: @ ::Looks around and nods then does a double take:: # ::someone bumps by her:: Hey! ::drink spills:: @ ::inside, the TARDIS is all sleek and futuristic looking, with the control console hanging from the ceiling, sleek form-fitting chairs and soft lighting::: # ::Takes a seat near the back:: (the TARDIS is transcendentally what? I can't remember> # ::sees just the back of a monstrously large hooded figure as he brushes past the crowd to the seats:: #::Irish fills up his seat as he stretchs and yawns widely:: <> @ :::Damon, still smiling happily, walks over to the console::: $ :::Sticks head back out of pryamid and looks at it's size again:: # ::slowly follows the crowd inside to her friends:: @ Get back in here, Xander, we're leaving now. @ :::Turns to "Johnathan"::: O...kay. How do you do that? # ::stops in the aisle still watching the large hooded figure take his seat in a shady corner of the back:: # ::Irish puts a paw on his chair and gets up from his cat nap:: Maker I can *see* your good kin about to arrive.. # That's very weird. $ I told you, it's...:::starts to say the words, then looks to Smithers for help::: @ Smithers> Dimensionally Transcendental. <> @ ::Rubs seat leather, does a Meyers:: "Like buttah!" #When is the play going to start Maker ? # ::takes the aisle seat next to Irish:: @ Tara> I see...meaning, it's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside? # ::Irishs eyes begin to glow :: # :: The Doctor whispers to irish::: Right after the lights go down. # Doctor, did you notice that guy. ::points to hooded figure:: @ :::Damon and Smithers look at Tara and smile, saying, in unison::: Exactly!! @ ::Tara blushes::: #::Has head down:: # Something's weird about him. # Why doesn't he take his cloak off? # ::Little wisps of green energy begin to swirl around the oblivious to the effects Irish T Cat:: # All humans are by definition weird .. @ :::Damon finishes entering the coordinates and flips a switch, causing the sleek rotor column to move up and down::: # ::Fiddles with a device in his hand:: # :: The Doctor nods::: Oh, I see him all right. I may be close to recognizing him. @ Smithers> ::to Damon::: You're doing just fine...Jonathan. # ::lights blink off and on twice thru the theatre:: #Perhaps someday the great Cat GaRField will transform all of you to cats .. @ :::Damon grins and steps back to watch the console readouts::: # ::the crowd begins stream into the theatre filling up most seats except a row just in front of the Doctor and crew:: @ Smithers> :::to the Scooby gang::: I would offer you all refeshments, but we sh ould be arriving in denver momentarily. # That would be your musical Irish. I think the show's about to start. @ ::Sits and leans back in seat:: MMMmmmmm... Anya, you got to try this #GarField would not deign to do a muscial .. @ ::To Smithers:: Any in flight movies, Jeeves? # Why not? Didn't you ever hear of Cats? #::Stands and heads to the backstage area:: @ :::the TARDIS dematerializes, landing just outside the Buelle theatre, appearing as an enclosed Kiosk on the sidewalk::: # I am a cat Silly human .. @ Smithers> :::smiles faintly at Xander's attempt at humor::: # Hmmmm too much Jedi mind power .. # No the musical, Irish. Remember... Memories...! # They made a muscial about me ? I don't remember agreeing to that .. @ Here we are, everyone, Denver, Colorado, the Buelle Theatre, 7:50 pm, ten minutes before show time. @ :::Stands up , rubs seat:: Such a waste # Maker ? Roaming Girl says that they have made a muscial about me .. Did you know that ? % = outside the theatre !=Backstage area % :::a theatre employee goggles in amazement as 11 people step out of the kiosk and head towards the entrance::: % ::Staeps out and turns to offer Anya a hand and sees the kiosk and does a triple take:: ! Hungry ::Looks for something to eat:: Ahh ::WAlks up to stage hand:: % Anya>Xander, I thought you liked my dress. ::Flusters pointing at kiosk ::: The. the ... pryamid % :::the Scooby gang enters the theatre thru one door, Damon and Smithers the other::: % Oh, I forgot to tell you, the TARDIS can change it's physical appearance. % :::No one notices the eerie glow that briefly envelopes the Scooby Gang as each one passes thu the doors into the theatre::: *** Fenric has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Fenric[]) #Is it started yet ? % ::Decides it's either true or a dream and decides to relax and enjoy it:: ! Stage Hand> ::waits on top gangplank waiting to shine the spotlights:: % :::Damon gets directions from the theatre employees and they make their way towards their seats::: ! Stagehand>::hears a noise behind him:: Jimmy, I said I'd do it. Go back down. The curtain lifts in 5 minutes. ! Stagehand>::still hears lumbering footsteps approach:: Jimmy! I said -- ::turns and sees a large monstrous figure coming for him:: <> % :::Looks worried as he reaches for wallet before he remembers his revesal of fourtune:: % ::Smiles ::: I'll have two programs please #::Irish levitates in his chair as he watches the stage:: # :::hanging in front of the stage is a large black curtain with an equally large scarlet pimpernel embroidered upon it::: # ::in the orchestra pit, the conductor and players get ready for the intro:: *** Aggedor has joined #whosim *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Aggedor *** Aggedor is now known as Fenric > % :::Damon, Smithers and the Scooby gang take their seats just as the lights go down and the curtain pulls back for the first scene::: <> <# = inside theatre> <% = stage> # When will this thing start? ? ? ! ::Stagehand's mouth opens in fear :: # Its taking forever % ::Looks sideways at Anya decked out and smiles, then remembers the microwave popcorn and sighs:: # ::::the orchestra begins to play the intro music::: !::reaches out to cover his mouth. He snaps the stage hands neck:: # ::lights dim just as the group of latecomers sit in front of Doctor and crew:: # ::looks over and sees Doctor smile as Damon/Jonathon sits right in front of him:: # HEY STOP blocking my view! # Stupid humans always getting in the way . # Anya>Sssh! ::waves hand behind her not seeing cat:: I spent Xander's good money on this dress. I want to enjoy. !:Drags body of the Gangway and removes head. hides body in Janitors closet:: # Irish, just float between them. ::whispers:: # :::Whispers to willow as he rocks and pretends to knit::: Guillotene, guillotene ::smiles:: # ::Irish floats to the noisy loud girl:: Dont tell me to shhhh Human! !::Spots a basket with a fake head and switches them:: # Here, switch seats with me. You can see more on the aisle. # ::jostles in the aisle to switch with irish and sit next to Doctor:: #>Willow> Xander! That was Tale of Two Cities # Ok Roaming Girl .. ::Irish floats over to the aisle chair:: !::Heads back to the seat in the theatre:: # Hmmm This is a better view .. # ::Hangs head:: ....Oh # :::the audience watches as the musical progresses, from marguerette's farewell performance, her announcement of marriage to Sir Percy, the closing of the theatre and Marguerette's unwilling aid to Chauvelin::: # ::whispers:: Doctor, is that him? ::nods to the man sitting in front of Doctor... Damon:: # :: The Doctor looks closely at Damon, recognizing him even through regeneration.::: # Yes. # ::the next scene begins, with Chauvelin singing "Madame Guillotine" as the Marquis de St.Cyre and his family are lead to the guillotene::: # So...? What do we do? # ::Irish snatches some popcorn up and tosses it at the human who had the audacity to tell him to shh.. # :: The Doctor whispers::: We watch and wait. #::Watches play and prepares to leave:: # Anya>::gets beamed in the head:: Xander! # :::as the scene approaches its climax, someone looks down into the basket and sees a real, human head, that of the stagehand, inside it:: <> # ::Irish gets an evil look and tosses a pink bunny at the human :: # :::Turns to Anya:: What? #::Leaves theatre:: # Anya>::bunny lands in her lap:: Aaagh!!! <> # Anya>::jumps up screaming hysterically, exactly imitating the hysterical screams on stage:: # Shhhh # ::Remembers:: Oh no the dreaded bunny ::Quickly grabs it and throws it under seat:: #::Irish puts on his most innocent look:: # :::looks at smithers::: Something's wrong... # Anya> Bunnies, Xander! Kill the bunny. Kill the bunny! # It's okay, bunny gone now # ::nudges Doctor:: Do you see what I see on stage? :;all the actor's faces are white and no one says a line other than the screams:: %=Foya <> # Something's not right. No one's that good an actor. # :::Holds Anya, patting her back:: # ::Irish would feel insulted because he is an excelent actor at being innocent:: # ::the orchestra strikes up the intermission chorus a beat early as the stage curtain drops:: %::Spots Damons TARDIS:: Oh Dear. # :: The Doctor stands up:: The play is over... # :::to Buffy::: That was a real human head up there. # :: The Doctor rushes towards the stage::: %::Heads to the shadows and waits for people to come pouring out:: # ::lights come up and the audience, shaken by the realistic scene, gets up and streams out to the lobby for refreshments:: # Attack the Actors ! ::Irish decides to help Maker:: # :: The Doctor suddenly realizes that the Buffy crew is in front of them, and he remembers meeting them on Halloween.:: # ::Turns and sees Irish::: Oh no cuddly talking cat... wonder how she feels about that # :::looks between Buffy and Smithers::: I think we should check this out. # Irish, would you quit that! # Quit waht ? ::inncoent look:: # Anya>Xander, I want to go home. You didn't say there'd be bunnies! # :::looks down towards the stage and sees a familiar figure, as does Smithers::: # Not funny, cat! Anya freaks at rabbits! # It's.. # What rabbit ? # smithers> ...the Doctor! # ::rolls eyes and leaves Irish to explain himself:: # ::Irish tries Jedi trick on Xander:: There is no rabbit .. %::seeig no one exit, He returns to the door to watch what's happening:: # There won't be any more bunnies, hon :::glares a t Irish:: Right? # Buffy> :::recognition dawning in her eyes::: But what is he doing here? # ::climbs atop stage with the Doctor and Damon:: # What he always does. Stops trouble. # ::Irish does his chesire cat routine to appear on Maker's shoulder:: # :::Gets up and makes his way towards the stage, followed by Smithers::: <> #::Grins at what's happening on stage and feeds off the fear:: # Your trouble this time. What are you doing here, Damon? <> # :::to the girl who just spoke to him::: the name's jonathan, not damon. # Willow> Who's Damon? # Is the Earth going to blow up now ? # As in... you da man? # Doctor, I was just about to ask you the same question. # No as in Damon, timelord. Who's Jonathon? <> # That changes almost as often as that pryamid thingie # I'm Jonathan. # Buffy and Giles> :::pointing towards Damon::: He's Jonathan! #::Eyes glow slightly re::d # :: The Doctor nods::: Jonathan is Damon, or Damon thinks he is Jonathan, or so it would seem, eh Smithers? # I am Irish T Cat and thats Roaming Girl and Maker of Noises .. # School nerd, suicidal bipolar, psuedo Eric Flint... # Smithers> ::to the Doctor:: I've found things go smoother if I just play along, sir. # Willow>We went to highschool with Jonathon. And now college. He's our friend. Well, except for that whole magic spell demon thingy he unleashed on us. # :: The Doctor nods::: I often find that to be the case... # For which I am very sorry. # :: The Doctor wanders up to the hubbub on stage, and looks at the head...:: # :: The Doctor shakes his head:: Not a prop, certainly. # Oh great! We have a danger as yet to be named, a regenerating timelord still off his rocker, and his primitive Earth friends thinking he practices magic. # :::looks at it also:: It definitely is human. # Maker I can *see* the creature that did this prepare to attack someone.. Can't make out who it is.. # :::Stiffens:: Primitive? #::Removes hood fo he can suck up more fear:: # ::the girls all make faces at bloody head:: # Giles> Some creature with tremendous strength did this...see how it was torn out with one motion? # Anya> And one really dead guy. # Anya> Oh look, his eyes are still rolling. # ::Irish sniffs:: It was very sloppy .. I could have done a much better job .. # Either that or the perfect lead for Sleepy Hollow 2 #::A large grin spreads over his humanoid face:: # Doctor, do you have any ideas yet or are we just going to pick up swords and go hunting the headles horseman? # Headless horseman ? Whos that ? # Tara> ::stares off into distance of theatre:: Uh, guys... # Wheres the hors? # ::Actually thinks he's helping:: The watch dude from Pulp Fiction # It's fiction, irish. Some ghost that seeks his missing head by ripping them off others. # :::looks in the direction that Tara is looking::: #::Eyes glow a little brighter:: # Hrmmp... He chops them off #::Notices he's been spotted and exits:: # :: The Doctor turns in the directrion indicated by Tara::: Aha, revealed, are we? # Anya>It's not entirely fiction. His name was Brutus, not a ghost, but one nasty torture demon. # Roaming Girl . You think the Scarlet Pimpernal is fiction and he is one of Maker's friends. # ::Looks at Anya :: # ::Defensive:: Anothe old boy friend? # Anya> What? So I dated a bit before you. # ::Mutters:: A thosand years before # Anya> Don't be so sensitive. I am spending your money now. # Just what is that creature? # Tara> Guys... who's that? # ::everyone turns in unison to see the cloaked monster approaching, eyes glowing red:: # Doctor...? # Caant argue with that # You will all die ::In gruff, typically Evil Voice:: # Ahh, guys ... glowing eyes thingie! # ::Aside:: Glowing eyes are never a good thing # Die ? I don't have time to die .. I need to clean my fur # :::Damon pulls out an energy weapon and opens fire on the creature::: # Willow> And bloody hands. I think we got our horseman. # Buffy> ::shrugs forward, stake in hand:: Just stay back. I'll handle him. # :::Grabs up a stage axe not realizing it has a rubber blade:: # Right behind you Bufster # :::looks at Smithers::: I know, a timelord only interferes subtly, but I told you, I'm not a timelord! # Buffy>::faults over stage to audience floor in front of monster:: # :::continues to fire at the creature, drawing it's attention away from Buffy::: # Buffy>Hey you, anyone told you it's not polite to interrupt with threats of murder and mayhem? # Wait I need to take a nap .. Can we fight later ? #::puts hand in the direction of Pushes Buffy and Xander back with an unseen force, Stares hard at Jonathon:: # :: The Doctor holds back, hoping the crisis will bring Damon's personality back...::: # ::Buffy flies into a seat, headfirst:: # The energy bolts aren't taking any effect, any suggestions? # ::Landss hard and winces::: Not fair beastie #::Points at Jonathon:: You! I have come for You! # Buffy> Now he's making me mad. # Oh yea? Well eat this! # ::Buffy jumps up and attacks monster from behind:: # :::Sits up and weaves:: Bad idea... sleep npw :: Falls back # :::throws the useless energy weapon at the creature, who catches it and takes a bite out of it::: #::Shakes around and Buffy falls off:: # I didn't mean that literally. # ::Buffy lands in orchestra pit crushing a drum:: # Willow> Buffy...? #::Jumps up and lands infront of Jonathon. Grabs him by the throat:: # Tara> Not good. # Die. # ::::punches the creature several times::: # Doctor, shouldn't we do something? #::Squeezes harder:: # ::Moans and slowly eases up onto elbow:: # I am doing something .. # :: The Doctor speaks to Jacie:: No, wait, they know what to do, give Damon a chance to bring himself back... # :::Shakes head and immediately wishes he hadn't:: # :::Damon rolls his eyes and makes a motioning towads Smithers::: # Willow> Tara! Protection spell? # :::Smithers rushes up behind the creature::: # ::Tara reaches out and clasps Willow's hand, they begin to chant:: #::Uses free hand to bring up a smoke cover and heads towards the backstage exit:: # ::the spell gives Smithers real physical being:: # :::Eases up carefully and picks up axe ::: Okay Big Bad take this! # ::::His holographic self seems to become fainter as he reaches inside the creature:::: *** Dr10 has quit IRC (Quit: Dr10) #::: Smashes axe into creature blade bends and Xanders looks stunned ::: oh oh # ::::then with the spells aid, his hand begins to materialize inside the creature::: #::Drops Jonathon:: ARRGH. ::Runs towards the exit and opens it:: # ::Buffy somersaults over and blocks the exit:: # :::Stares at stage axe:: Huh? # :::Damon falls to the stage, clutching his throat:: # Buffy>Going somewhere? ::kicks demon in the chin and sends him realing backwards:: # You are becoming troublesome, Human. ::Reaches out for Buffy:: # :::first to Smithers, then Willow and Tara:: Thanks. # I could have done that .. # Buffy>Becoming?! Got news for your Oliver stone wannabe, I've been trouble for your kind for years. # :::To Damon, sarcastically:: Yeah, your welcome # Go Fluffy Go .. I will be here if you need a helping paw .. # Giles> :::to the Doctor:: Am I correct in believing that creature feeds on fee and suffering? # Buffy> ::twists demon's arm with violent inhuman strength:: # ::Pushes Buffy with free hand. Eyes Glow when he does this:: # Doctor>That's a fair assessment of the Furies. Nasty race. # Doctor>It seems to have a particular taste for timelord regeneration psychotics. Confusion breeds fear on a subconscious level. # ::Calls out::: Hey Buff, Mr Pointy time! # Buffy>::knees demon between the legs:: # Giles> Then perhaps it would be possible to generate some sort of emotional feedback, either mystically or technologically? # Buffy>:;wriggles out of hold and bashes demon upset chin:: # ::Screams in pain and walks backwards:: # I will return for you both, Timelords #::Looks up:: Klicinach Bres ::A light beam engulfs him and he dissapears.:: # Bye Bye # Woah # :::Smithers sighs and shakes his head::: # Doctor>Yes. But it isn't necessary, mr. Giles. # Does that mean Scotty has crossed to the dark side? # Doctor>::smiles at Damon who's still gathering his breath:: # :::Damon stands up::: # Well, another eventful reunion, Doctor. # Can we go now Maker ? # Doctor>The Furies only manage to maintain a transolar link as long as there's an active scent to follow. # Doctor> ::smiles and extends hand to Damon:: Indeed. Glad to see you're back Damon. # What just happened? # :::Damon sighs and dusts off his clothes::: # ::::shakes the Doctor's hand::: Indeed. # Buffy> That's what I was going to ask. Where did that demon go? Why couldn't I kill it? # ::turns to Tara and gives her a knowing wink, as if to let her in on a secret:: # Its an alien .. #not a demon .. # All right people, it looks like they won't be showing the rest of the musical tonight, so why don't I take you all back to sunndydale. # Doctor>It's back on Furia exercising its frightful glare on the rocks and trees. Harmless now. It's Damon... uh, Jonathon's confusion that called it to your world. # Anya>Oh, oooh. Who got blood on my dress?! # ::Raises hand::: Could we go back a few hours so I can watch the monster marathon? # I am going back to Home .. <::Bows:: Thank you> # If you're nice, I may be able to arrange that. # Stay out of trouble, Damon! ::shouts as the Buffy crew walk off:: # :::Damon, Smithers and the Scooby Gang troop on out of the theatre to his TARDIS::: # Ah... I'm sure some mineral water will get hat out # :::Damom waves back to Jacie in acknowledgement::: # ::stays behind on the stage with Doctor:: Think he will? # So long Doc! # :::they enter the TARDIS, voices can be dimly heard from outside:::: # Doctor> ::waves:: Stay out of trouble? Of course, Jacie. He's a timelord after all. ::smiles knowingly:: # That's what I was afraid of. # :::Whispers to Willow:: that's Damon NOT demon, right? # How about some tunes guys ? :::Twists dial on console:: # ::Irish disappears into the Tardis:: # TARDIS shudders :: Oh oh # Damon and Smithers> Don't Touch that! <> # :::with a screech, the TARDIS dematerializes::: <> # Sorry ::drops head:: <> *** Xander is now known as Cody <<>> <<>> Bravo! <:-) > Bravissimmo! Huray!!! good job eveyone, am proud of you all Good job everyone ::waves:: *** BTVSJonat is now known as AlxKeegan Good show gang! Well, there's my kill fix for the weekend Session Close: Thu Jan 11 21:29:13 2001