Session Start: Wed Mar 24 20:44:08 2004 Session Ident: #whosim * Logging #whosim to 'C:\Documents and Settings\Jennifer\Desktop\ghosts2.AustNet.txt' Hey guys. Sorry it took me so long. np Shall we try the sim with just us three,Jen? Let me get the credits ready. But we haven't done Casting Call,yet. Oh right, sorry. CASTING CALL... <==Phineas,William,Robert and The Vorlox <======== The Doctor, President Kless, Polly, whomever <=== Ravena and as needed *** JenK is now known as RavenaS *** Pegleg_The_Smeg is now known as Phineas Ready for the curtain? Got logs rolling? Lights, camera, (SILENCE ON THE SET!).... ACTION! <> <> <> <> <> # = TARDIS interior # ::sitting on the floor where warm grassy ground was and now cold marbly wood lies:: & :::The riots and the failure of the Pacifier rays have caused the government to open a heavily shielded bunker / emergency communications center. The President takes time to encourage the staff before going to her own office::: & = Bunker @ = Phineas's Lab # ::looks around at her surroundings, mouth ajar:: $=Quest Musuem # ::where cloudy blue sky once appeared overhead, walls of bookshelves tower above her:: $::Returning to Lab:: assistans with him:: # ::dark mahogony beams outline a room filled with magical lights and bizarre contraptions:: & > Polly > ::Runs a security review and discovers the report that Phineas made of the Vorlox. Recognizing her chance to grab power she sets up a secure comm link to the office of Kit O'Hara:: # What are you doing in the TARDIS? Or rather what is the TARDIS doing around us? # ::in one corner lies a stone fireplace and a woodless fire lighting the small grouping of lush fabric chairs:: $ William>Did you really have to BRIBE that guard to borrow the distress transmitter? # ::turns toward the harsh voice and sees the strange Doctor standing on the steps of a wooden dias crowned with an eerie blue column of light:: *** O{\]}\yn has joined #whosim *** O{\]}\yn has left #whosim $ Yes, or the Vorlox would have gotton to us before we could summon help,William! # Th.. the what? ::curls up into herself:: # Where am I? Where have you taken me? <@ is Phineas's Lab symbol,Cody.> # TARDIS. :::Frustrated as if trying to explain trasnsdeminsional physics to a small rather slow child:: T-A-R-D-I-S, Time and relative deminsions in space @ ::Kit sneaks into Phineas's lab a somewhat bored Uri in tow::: @ Rev. Josiah was right. You are a demon. ::makes the sign of the cross with her fingers:: $::locks the Quest Museum door behind him::: # ::Sighs:: Any sufficently advanced technology would appear to be magic to the unenlightened # Tech... what are these words you're speaking? # Some sort of spell? You mean to curse me? Is this... Hell? # Technology... Hmmm, let's think... for your time period... Have you read of Ben Franklin's experiments with electricity? # He's a learned man. You mean to say you've read of his works in the alamanac. # ::stops:: Hell?... actually I borrowed the TARDIS to escape a personal sort of hell.... but no it's simply a ship for traveling thru the space time continuim # Actually it was more of a conversation over a rather nice port in France # ::loosing her fear in favor of curiosity:: Space time continue... I do not understand your words Doctor. Do you mean to say this is a kind of ship? # ::indicating the wood paneling:: Indeed it does seem to befit a captain's quarters, but I feel no rocking of the waves. # :::Looks up for a second and smiles :: Yes... a ship, I used to call the TARDIS a ship # ::Crosses to the console :: The dimensional stabilers take care of that # ::stands up, taking in her surroundings with a new appreciation:: Do you not sail the seas? # :::Sings::: "I've travelled the world and the seven seas..." # Think of time as a type of sea, complete with curents whirlpools eddies the whole lot and you want be too far wrong $::Checks the distress transmitter,trying to boost it's range and power:: # But I do not see a porthole, or a captain's wheel. How do you know where you are headed in this continue-um? # Or for that matter, control your direction without rudder wheel or sails? # :::Lowers head:: ahh.. well... to be honest I'm not always that much in control # :: Points to osciallating Time Rotor :: Take that for instance $ Robert>I see,concerned about the maintenence on the antique distress transmitter,Phineas. # THat means we are currently travelling thru time and space, but the TARDIS set the course not I $ Yes,Robert,if it fails us our call may not be received! Then we are Gazpacho for the Vorlox! # Well nothing to do till it stops, so... ::indicates the interior door::: Care to take a loka around? #::All of a sudden the door controls sputter in smoke and flame:: # ::Opens door and bows to Ravena:: Ladies first $ What is taking the Gods/Time Lords so long to respond? Have they trashed al their TARDISes? # I suppose. ::follows the Doctor through an interior door lit only with darkness:: <:-)> # ::Is startled to see Ravena appear in the door at the top of the stairs in the console room::: $ Oh,I forgot! The Time Lords haven't interfered since the destructin of Minyos 1! # ::steps out onto a narrow walkway also lined with bookshelves, but no sign of sea or sails:: # :::Makes a very DW 5 face of embarressment::: All right, this is not good # ::talking to the Doctor behind her:: You have an extensive library, Doctor. You must be a man as well red as Mr. Franklin. $ Except for The Doctor who insured the Quest for the RACE BANKS was a success. # Doctor? ::calls out and looks behind her not to find him there:: # ::but she hears him murmuring in the distance below:: # ::Slowly extend his arm thru the doorway and ses his hand emerge upstairs, Smiling childishly he can't resist waving at himself:: # ::looks over the walkway railing and finds the Doctor below still clutching a door handle:: $::Distress transmitter sill bleeping strongly::: # ::startles at the sight of the disembodied hand:: Doctor, there's somebody here! # I think the old girl might be a bit confused herself # ::picks up a book an prepares to whack the disembodied hand:: # Just us Ravena # ::stumbles backward in shock as the Doctor steps through the door below and appears on the walkway above:: # ::Pulls hand bak into console room floor level :: Ouch! That wasn't very nice # It is a curse. How can you be here and there ::looks at lower floor:: at once? # ::Steps thru::: Looks down at console from the stairs;; Rather M C Escher # Transdeminsional engineering.... but it isn't supposed to do this. #::A shrill bleeping is coming from the Console::: # Is Escher another man of science? He placed this curse on you? # Poor old TARDIS is suffering a few problems # ::jumps:: What is that awful noise? # A wood carver and printer he was, I mean, will be rather talented # Your ship is sinking? #::Phineas's distress call is being received by the console:: #:: Hurries down the stairs to the console:: Let's see if we can find out, eh? # ::follows him down a spiral staircase, past the woodless fire area and up the wooden dias:: # ::Tries to read unresponding meters, eventually gives them a good whack :: Ah, that's better.... I t appears the TARDIS is responding to a distress call # ::an eight-sided desk with rows upon rows of fireless candles blink at her:: # It would be nice to know where and when we were headed though # I see no smoke nor here a signal bell. # :::Lies on floor and opens an access panel:: Let's see what we can do... tell me if the lights change would you? $ Doctor,Where are you? # Yes, Doctor... i think. ::takes up position monitoring the fireless candles:: # :::Thinks /// Come on Doctor, where are you?/// # :::Pulls at a spaghetti like mess of wires::: Anything? # The green firelights have extinguished. #::Suddenly the door controls sputter in smoke and flame:: # ::waves at the rising smoke, coughing from their acrid fumes:: # Is this supposed to happen, Doctor? You do know what you are doing, I hope? # Ooops, not good ::: Twists wires together:: That means I just cut off out life support. Are they back now ::Crosses fingers:: # ::the green candles blink on once again:: Yes Doctor, but the smoke remains. And the yellow firelights have gone out. # But there's a row of red lights alit now. %=City Streets *** SteveBreonRunni has joined #whosim *** SteveBreonRunni is now known as SteveBreon # I do sometimes wish I taken Romana's offer of a TARDIS manual ::Starts :: I wonder who this Romana is? Oh well ::Goes back to patching wires:: # The purple candles are lit now. And some orange as well. % ::The Guards relizing Pacifier Rays are useless flee from the rioting Minyans!:: # ::: Clambers up and turns on a tracer:: Aha! WE are headed over 2000 years from your time Ravena. Now if I just knew whre :: Ponders and divies back under the console:: %::the flicker::///RuN YoU MisBegoTTon FooLS!/// # ::startles at the sight of a ghostly image appearing in the center of the blue console:: # Doctor, what is that? ::points at the image of a blue marble planet floating in midair:: #::hologram::speaks>MAYDAY On MINYOS 2! VORLOX! # Either our destination or the Earth we just left, depends on whither I reversed polarity or not @ ::Kit and Uri sneak into Phineas's lab thanks to Polly's "tip"::: @ ::lighting the way with a torch:: @ > Uri >So why are we risking B & E charges? $ Now on to the Lab,Robert and William. I don't like to leave it for long due to the possibility of a break in! @ Let's just say I have an inside source at the President's Office. @ > Uri > And Mr. Mad Scientist is hiding something? @ Something nasty's coming and Dr. Phineas knows all about it. $ ::Passes by %::noticing the rioters driving back the guards::urged on by the Vorlox:: @ Stop asking questions and just get that door shut. Sometimes I wonder why the network ever hired you Uri. Obviously not for your intelligence. @ > Uri > Well if he has something hedoesn't want to be found ::Points to cabinet:: And since that's the only locked in the whole bloody lab...? %::Moving through the City::Phineas notes the increasing affect of the Vorlox::>Scum!I'll repel you yet! @ > Uri > If that's not too dumb MS O'HAra @ Well obviously. ::sneers:: @ ::studies the cabinet lock:: Hmmm, old fashioned triphonic keycode. %:::To Phineas:://YoUr ScIeNCeS ARe NoThiNG CoMpaREd To ThE PoWeR of ThE VORLOX!/// @ > Uri > Want to see how a professional thief would do it? ::Takes a large screwdriver from the workbench and breaks the lock:: Voila! %::Phineas hurries back to Lab::Assistants in tow. @ > Uri > Headbands??? How 80's! @ Very elegant. ::says sarcastically:: @ It's obviously more than that, you idiot. @ > Uri > Hay, if it woeks... @ ::looks around:: There must be a workfile. A data crystal. @ Well help me look for it, and try not to destroy it first. @ > Uri > :::Grabs a headband:: Voices! Let's get out of here @ Great. ::grabs another headband:: Well let's just hope these things are intuitive. %::Check for his keys::just outside the Lab:: @ This way Uri, the service corridor. ::heads out the back:: @ > Uri > ::Eases open window to fire escape and helps Kit through:: @ I can manage, thank you. ::slaps away Uri's hand and climbs down herself:: # ::Ravena pokes the ghostly image with her finger, it ripples slightly but reforms:: @::enters the fron door of the Lab::notices damage to a set of lockers::>thieves and possible traitors! Vorlox Lovers!::Spits:: # ::: Still working under the console:: Ahhh, the time rotor has stopped.. ah that means we have arrived @ Ghosts>What have you done about the Vorlox? # It's incredible, Doctor. No cold, no air, nor anything I can feel but I see... well something anyway. # Is this where we are headed, Doctor? ::points to hologram of a planet:: @ I've sent a SOS to the Time Lords to deal with him! # ::::Peeps at hologram ::: Hmmm, only 3 continents... so at least we know it's not Earth # Well since the Rotor has stopped we aren't headed there, we are there @ ::Ghosts::nod in approval::>Better go out and greet them then. @::Leaves the Lab::beconing his two assistants to follow:: # But not on Earth? # No some place absolutely fasinating @::Robert and William follow Phineas! # Where? # ::::Grins triumphanatly:::The greates place there is Ravena! Somewhere I haven't been before # ::Returns to access panel::: Want to see what it's like? @::Watches ouside the Lab for TARDIS materialisation! # ::blinks in wonderment as the image changes from planet to a building-lined street:: # :::Without looing he raise his hand and turns his finger around as if looking with it. Stopping at the door levers :: Pull those down and take a look # Why it's a town. A big town at that. ::sees the tall buildings:: A city perhaps, like London. But I do not see any churches. @::heads for the street::William and Robert with him:: # Let's go for a little reccie then ::Crosses to an old roll top dek::: #::Door controls remain stuck:: # ::Opens the top and goes through seveal small drwawers stuffing his pockets with what he finds:: # What's the matter Ravena I said pull down the levers to open the outside doors # You did not. ::looks at wooden console and its myriads of buttons and levers:: Which one is the door handle? #::Smoke issues from the door controls:: # ::Tries the levers himself and is only greeted bey a shower of sparks:: Well that's not nice :::Bangs fist on console and tries again and again fails. Pouts :: Blast! That always worked for Blondie ::: Ducks under console and fiddles about awhile::: # Are you certain this is safe, Doctor? #::Doors finally open of their own accord:: # ::waves the smoke away in a futile attempt:: # ::Straightens up:: That should do it ::Touches Ravena's sleeve :: Wait a second, just in case ::Crosses fingers and pulls levers again. the doors finally open . Smiles ::: # ::bright sunlight pours in through the doors as does the sound of a great cacophony:: # Ahh, science triumpihs once again %::Vorlox::senses ALIEN activity! % What is keeping our rescuer?