Session Start: Thu Feb 26 21:11:33 2004 Session Ident: #whosim * Logging #whosim to 'C:\Documents and Settings\Jennifer\Desktop\revolution3.AustNet.txt' Session Start: Thu Feb 26 21:11:42 2004 Session Ident: #whosim Session Close: Thu Feb 26 21:11:42 2004 Not yet,it's just us,Jen,you might wanto to give them a phone call. Jen how do I set to log again? I'll try David. Click the white box in the top left corner. Logging is in the drop down menu. I hope Joel can cone too. cone=come ty had to click Austnet and then the one on that window I can't get through to David. Busy signal. Someone mst be online. Let me check my buddy list. k k Cody, did you call Charter today? yep, been working on connection all day Did they find anything? looks like one of his suggestions is working Which was? nop[w Cody,you might want to send Jen your new addy as well. uninstalling firewall, he said sometimes when they get old they corrput ty I did Duncan Cool! When you have time Jen, could you set it to auto-op me? And can someone be permanently banned? Firewalls do tend to cause IDENTD problems with IRC. I should have thought of it. Are you sing a different firewall? David is not online. not yet You should install something. On broadband you're an accident waiting to happen. Or use a router. You know I only sing when I'm drunk and I don't drink ;-) LL LOL Yes,drinkong is an awful habit. Bad news, I fear. It looks like the group did not get the message to assemble tnight. drinkong=drinking :-/ again I feel like it's all my fault :-( Did you want to play it out just the three of us, or postpone a week and conspire about our next sim? No, forget it. It's as much mine as anyone's. I have been flaking a lot lately. My sis came over last night and I jsut had to socialize. Well one thing I'll repeat a previous msg When you have time Jen, could you set it to auto-op me? And can someone be permanently banned? Funny,I sent an E-mail this morning informing David of tonight's sim. weird Now my mom's home and complaining she hurts. She may have an ear infection. :-/ David doesn't always get to check online daily. sorry to hear that Jen Yeah, more worry and angst. It will be alright. We all have our crosses to bear. I'm just hoping its nothing more. She sees her oncologist next week. She's been fearing he'll cancel our Disney trip. It migth be fun to sim tonight with just three,it'll be a challange! I wouldn't mind if you're game Cody. Ravena has a relatively light part. How about it Cody? I'll give it a go, if it bites we can alwaysdelete and say we postponed ot 8-D You guys handle the Doctor's scenes and I'll take Ravena's along with Josiah's. LOL Cody. That sounds like a plan. CASTING CALL? <=== Ravena, Pleasance, Widow Penworthy, Josiah et al <==Maj.Jefferson,Adams and Robertson Would it be easier to do it scene by scene instead of trying to run more than one at a time? I could do that with Biggs. <=======A rather bewildered Doctor and as needed Just thought you'd guys like to play one-on-one for a change. Roberson has a lie part anyway. Cody and I have been playing one-on-one via phone the last two weeks. But there's Jefferson to play Duncan. lie=lite I already claimed Jefferson and his scouts in the CASTING CALL. Then if you both are ready, I'll call the Credits Girl. vrroommmp vrrromppp yall You go girl,Jen! * JenK oh credits girl? Credits? CREDITS!!!!!!! *** JenK is now known as RavenaS <> <> <> <> *** Pegleg_The_Smeg is now known as Jefferson @ = Shaw Farm @ Well thought you could elude me::indicates The Doctor::Tory Spy! @ ::runs out f the barn:: Doctor wait--! ::stops short:: @ Unhand me at once! What is this outrage? @You are under arrest as a spy for The blasted British! @ ::Pleasance bursts out of the house her hands and apron covered in flour:: What in heavens is going on? @Adams::takes The Doctor into custody! @ I've never served the Brish military ! You can ask the Brigadier if you do't believe me. <;-)> @ ::Widow Penworthy follows and casts a stern glare on the young major:: Major Jefferson, what is the meaning of this trespass? @Just a Torry Spy to deal with miss Pleasance and Widow Penworthy,don't be alarmed. @ Adams secure the prisoner to your horse! @ Trespass? There was no trespass. Not intentionaly anyway. I was merely cold and slept on some straw @ Adams::secures The Doctor to his horse as ordered:: @ Am I to be arressted for being attacked and seeking shelter? @ Pleasance> A loyalist, here on our property? ::glares at Ravena:: @ and a possible madman,Madam. @ WidowP> In that case, we must thank you Major for apprehending the villain before he could do harm to our family. @ A Loyalist? I must say, I don't think anyone has ever accussed me of that before. @ Interloper, trouble-maker... but never ... oh, watch the hands young man! @ Ravena> Please Major this is a mistake. He can't be a spy! @ Adams>Well ge used to it mister,its back to our encampment with you! Traitor! @ The mistake was his by coming here miss...? @ Traitor?! Is the world turned upside down? @ WidowP> What my neice means is, I certainly hope you do not think we harbor such a fellow here, Major. @ Not without him using black magic,of course. @ The lady has a point Major. If they were helping me would they force me to sleep with a cow instead of in a niece warm bed? @ WidowP> Pleasance, remind me to have a word with Trom about the security of our property. We cannot afford to lose any supplies to wandering varants. @ I am not a vagrant, A wonderer yes ... @ Maybe mister whoever you are,but my men would have heard you at the house on last night's visit! @ But how would they have known of the visit? >>> :::Whisper to major:: Unless one of your men is a spy, eh? @ My appologies ladies,I won't take up any more of your valuable time! Adams,to our encampment! < .... not >>>> > @ Very well. But with my hands tied someone has to give me a leg up into the saddle @ WidowP> Fare you well then, Major. @ ::Jefferson and Adams with 20 men return with their prisoner to Camp! @ ::Ravena watches the soldiers drag the Doctor away and moves to stop them:: @ ::Her aunt holds her back:: @ ::indicating The Doctor::> If i let you ride,you'd steal Adams horse to escape! Do I really look that STUPID? # = woods # ::Biggs and Keefe hide in the bushes:: @ No major...::Under his breath:: Adams on the other hand ::Smiles at Adams:: # ::Keefe's knees cramp:: At last. ::makes to get up:: We better keep up. @ Adams::Silences the prisoner with a rifle but to the head>Quiet you! Until we reach camp! # ::Josiah jerks the boy back to the ground:: Be quiet you fool! Let the rebels deal with the stranger. @ :::Slowly stands:: Every where I go I seem to find someone like ou @ Adams>Then you go to wrong places stranger! # Biggs> It's the witch we want, now sit down and be silent, or I'll wring your neck. @ True.. true... and usually at the wrong times as well @ Jefferson>Who are you?::indicates The Doctor::Did you fall out of a hayloft? ! = Shaw Farm @ No, I slept in a stall if you must know & = Base Camp & ::arivving at Base Camp with prisoner, Adams,and his 20 men. & :::Feels curious eyes covering him as they enter the camp::: &::Greeted by Robertson::>The Torry Spy I presume? ! Aunt Meredith please, you must let me go! & ::Robertson cleans his wound and changes it's dressing as Pleasance suggested;;; ! WidowP> And do what Ravena? You simply must think before you act, dear. & :::Smiles widely showing an inordinate number of teeth:: If you presume does that make a pres out of you and me? ! Pleasance> That would take Divine intervention. Ravena, how could you do something so idiotic?! & Robertson>Who is this ODBALL? & :::Extends hands:: May I be untied now? Or do you think I'll overwelm all of you at once? & I intend to find that out,Robertson,right now! ! No man deserves to be dragged around like a mule. And besides you heard that lieutenant. You don't want him to think we harbor spies. ! Pleasance> Then why did you bring him back here? That is what you were doing in the barn last night. & COme now can't we all at least act as gentlemen ::again hold out roped hands:: & :::Adams::Cuts the Doctor's bonds>There,but NO tricks,or I shoot!::raises his rifle. & ::Bows to Adams:: I give my word sir ! It's not what you think. ::noting the perceptive eyes of her family:: He was hurt, he needed help. & ::Sits down in his chair and motiones the Doctor to sit down. & Thank you major ::Waits for Adams to set:: ! Pleasance> Ravena I do try to tolerate your beliefs for the sake your brother, but you have gone too far this time. & Identify your self mister::indicates The Doctor::: ! Pleasance> How could you possibly bring a strange man, wounded or not, out of the woods and shelter him here? & ::Adams:sits down behind The Doctor::: & I am the Doctor ::Searches pockets:: Sorry, I seem to be out of jelly babies @ What kind of Doctor,not a DUCK,then you'd be a quack! ! How could I not? My beliefs, as you put it, don't permit leaving innocent travelers to the hungry elements. < did yo forget < > around that last bit?> ! Pleasance> INNOCENT?! ::her screech shakes the smallest birds from their tree perches:: @ Doctor,what have you to say as proof your not a spy? ! Pleasance> There's no telling what that... "man" is or wants. For heaven's sake, I knew nothing good would come from your spirit quests. & Proving a negative? Hmm, not the easiest thing that ! Though I know you have little respect for my ways Pleasance, I do see the truth of people far better than you or your Sunday School folk. ! Dr. Smythe is neither a spy nor a demon I dreamt it! & Well provong a POSITIVE of otherwis would be your best start if only to avoid the gallows! # Josiah> ::grunts loudly: I knew it! ! WidowP> Girls please! ::looks at the woods where the brush seems restless:: & Doctor,What do you know of our Rebellion and it's progress? & Unfortunately more than I can remember. Could you give me a hint? Like the year perhaps? ! WidowP> I realize this is upsetting, but surely there are better, more discreet places to hold this conversation. & Corwallis is about to make his move for those dang British,that near enough,Doctor? & Ah then in that case, Admiral de Grasse would have left the West Indies and taken Chesapeke ,Corwallis=Cornwallis> ! Pleasance and Ravena> Yes Aunt. ::both are mollified but still indignant in the eyes:: ! ::Widow Penworthy leads her nieces back into the house, with a watchful stare at the surrounding woods:: & But Cornwallis is awaitng troops from Clinton in New York but he's to afraid to send any @ = woods & You know Gen.Wasington's strategies,Doctor,further proof your a Torry Spy! & The Americans have fooled him into thinking he's surrounded by leaving a small force but many campfires @ ::several hours later when the sun is lower in the sky, Ravena slips out of the house:: & Adams,He calls us Americans,how quaint? & Well he have to be in Baltimore if he is to attack Cornwallis at York Town @ ::she avoids Strom's sight as he tends to the horses:: & The Britsh army can survive almost anything but it's own commanders @ ::slips around the barn and onto the path to the woods:: & Like any army is different,Doctor? & The Ameriicans have always showed determination and courage # ::Biggs taps a napping Keefe on the shoulder:: Time to go. & Then why are you here,Doctor? & Perhaps it's the length of the British empire that they have been so often foolhardy # Josiah> ::already on Ravena's heels, clutching his travel bible to assure it's there:: & They were so outnumbered at Agincourt but they devasted the French calvary @ Ravena>::thinks:: I just hope your friends are still here, Doctor. Someone's got to get you out of this mess. & Or it's age,Old Empires are usually Arrogant,Doctor! @ Ravena> ::quickly follows the path through the woods and to the river:: & But the Light brigade such a tragedy of errors @ Ravena> ::looks north and sees only unbroken shoreline:: @ Ravena> ::looks south and sees the same, save for a small encampment bearing American colors:: & And the Somme ::Atarts to weep::60,00 casualties .. a third dead... the rest moaning or screaming in pain & Doctor,your reason for being here? Please! @ His Tardis has to be around here somewhere. @ Unless his friends took it and hid it. But where? & And the Daleks... leaving the dead stacked like cord wood ... ::Looks pitifully at the Major::: I tried... I tried to stop tem @ ::looks around in a circle, just barely noticing an animal dodging behind a tree:: # ::Biggs grabs Keefe by the scruff and yanks him behind a tall tree for cover:: & Adams,This poor unfortunate must be a civilian caught up in our revolution to talk crazy like this. & And the cybermen... harvesting the living for their own sick needs... so much carnage... so much destruction ... :::Weeps:: @ In the woods. ::races back along the path this time toward the clearing:: &Adams>Aye,Sir, too many HEAD grazes from too many battles! @ ::Stops in the clearing, calling out softly:: Harry? Sarah Jane? Victoria? @ Hello? If you're here, it's alright. I'm a friend of the Doctor's. @ I just want to help him, please come out. Please the Doctor needs you. @ ::hears only the rustle of wind through tree tops:: @ ::sighs:: Maybe I am just a fool talking to ghosts. @ ::just then a strng breeze swishes through the tree tops brushig them aside and shining bright sunlight into the clearing:: @ ::the light blinds avena a moment them grows smaller, to a small glint of light in the smldering ashes of the campfire:: @ ::Ravena picks up a stick, and brushes aside the ashes until she uncovers a dull pewter ring, a man's ring:: @ ::she bends down to inspect the object, noticing a slab of dark sapphire beneath an odd spiraling circle crest:: @ ::the design reminds her of the old Irish talismans her great grandfather had:: @ ::she reaches out to grasp the ring:: @ ::just as soon as her fingers touch the metal, she feels a curious warmth, almost electrical surge through her:: @ ::the stone changes color from a dark sapphire to a brilliant azure blue:: *** Tc|{|} has joined #whosim *** Tc|{|} has left #whosim @ ::a bright light shines again, pouring out from the smoldering ashes into a pattern before her:: @ ::the pattern is tall, around 8 feet, in the shape of tall blue box:: @ Josiah> Now men, grab her before she can complete the magic! @ ::Biggs and Keefe jump out of the woods and grab Ravena's arms, twisting them violently behind her back:: @ ::Ravena drops the ring in the struggle and befre she realizes is pinned to her knees by her assailants:: @ ::Josiah steps forward dispelling the image of the blue box as he walks into Ravena's point of view:: @ Josiah> ::calmly bends down to tip up Ravena's chin so her eyes face his:: @ Josiah> At last, now I have you, witch. <::munching on Jellybabies!> <> <> Bravo all! I am as proud of solving connection problems as I am sorry to have missed the gang At least we have next week to look frward to! We were sorry to have missed you also,Cody. Oh my fingers hurt. Session Close: Thu Feb 26 22:35:00 2004