Session Start: Wed Mar 03 20:14:26 2004 Session Ident: #whosim * Logging #whosim to 'C:\Documents and Settings\Jennifer\Desktop\revolution4.AustNet.txt' a double yet I can't get NickServ to recognize me or ChanOp either. LOL. Well I wanted to do a Doctor or Romana. I got a call frm Joel. His computer has a virus. David might have called too. Hold on lemme give them a call. I was out shopping. Just got back. Session Start: Wed Mar 03 20:15:42 2004 Session Ident: #whosim Session Close: Wed Mar 03 20:15:42 2004 I want ti deveelop a script for use later, I'll be floating the ideas in a couple of weeks. * DrWhoXI bites cyber tongue and chants we play pg we play PG Bad typo fever tonite. David can't come. He has to keep his phone line open. Sorry to hear Joel's computer has a virus. He's waiting for a call. watz a fow tipos bween frends It is wild these days with the virus scene. It really is a good reason to get a Mac. bummer Or antivirus software. Symantec is working GREAT for me Jen,can we Sim with just us 4? I get 40-60 virus emails a day because my email address has high internet visibility. Any news of Rob? :-( Tuna Yeah, I miss Rob. Not that I know of,I miss Rob too. But they bounce off my Mac system. I'm still not convinced Irish was real and Rob was the sim id ;-) LOL doooh, how a missing comma changes intention :-/ Jen,are you still here? Casting Call please? <==== Ravena <==Widow Penworthy <== Pleasance Shaw <===== Doctor 6, no 4 3? (still confused) <==Major Jefferson, Adams and Robertson <=== Rev. Josiah Henry (if needed) me> <:-/> *** Tuna is now known as Rev <> <> <> <> *** JenK is now known as RavenaS *** Pegleg_The_Smeg is now known as Jefferson # Town Centre $ = Base camp # :::A crowd assembles outside the meeting house where Rev. Henry addresses them in his usual firey manner.::: #My friends, the bible teaches us the most important lessons, that we reap as we shall sew. $::Jefferson::wonders what to make of the stranger called The Doctor::: # There is a problem among us, an evil, that has caused the failure of some crops. # ::Tucker the baker and Fletch the miller stand shoulder to shoulder listening to the preacher:: #As we sew, so shall we reap. $ ::Shivers::: And all those frightful webs, fortunately the glitter gun was developed... no... no... That was thos body scavenging Cybermen # ::Old Mrs. Shepard nods fervently:: # Some thing among us has led to the problems in our calving, strange deformities, hideous things. This has an explanation, my brothers and sisters. $ obvoiusly we've got the wrong man here Adams,so we let him go. $ Enemies enimes everywhere... everywhen # Tucker> A sickness in the fields? My brother lost half his crop this season. #And why has our community had to sacrifice so many strong sons to the crueelties of war, never to return? #We have received these woes because there is, among us, a servant of evil. # Fletch> Like my son, poor Jim. $Adams>Sir? Can we afford to allow a deranged man on the lose near town? # ::the crowd looks at one another with eyes of fear and accusation:: $ Worst than that trusted friends.. repected leaders... betrayed.. betrayed by them all #::Riase voice into a shout::: And there is a witch, a witch, a servantg of Satan amongst us! # :::Crowd expresses anger::: # Bring out the witch! # Mrs. Shepard> A witch? No one here would dare defy the Lord. $Hmmm,good point Adams,we'll turn him over to Rev.Josiah Henry,he can sort the deranged man out! $ DEranged? I am NOT deranged! I am just as sane as I am! # Tucker> Not among good Christian folk and expect to thrive. #Brig her out to justice and rightousness! $::Robertson::runs from his tent>Sir,come quick! In town a meeting with rowdy townspeople led by Rev.Henry is massing! #:::The Widow Penworthy and Pleasance Shaw arrive at the edge of the crowd with Strom towering next to them.::: # ::Biggs and Keefe burst out of the meeting hall dragging Ravena:: $ :::Mutters to himself ::I should know if I was deranged after all... I am the Doctor #:::Widow Penworthy gasps as she sees Ravenna.::: # ::Ravena's hands are bound, her hair wild and free, her face covered in dirt, but her eyes glaring bright:: #::Widow P surges forward, Strom along with her::: Stop this crime against this innocent maid! # ::the crowd recoils from the shock, whispers spreading from person to person:: #:::Maj.Jefferson,Adams and Robertson arrive in town>What goes on here?What is the meaning of this Rev.Josiah Henry? #Rev> Yes, here is the witch, proud to be known to cavort with demons lated at night. #Rev> She must be punished for our town to be cleansed! # ::Widow P lunges ahead and shouts::: Release her, she hbas done nothing. You are a superstituous fearmonger! #:::Pleasance calls::: Sweet sister, we will save you! $ ::Sticks head out of tent and yells at the soldiers::Benton!... wait you're not Benton ::Looks at another :: Want to see my special friend? ::Sticks out tongue:: Well you can't, bllhhhh! # Rev. Josiah Henry,give the accused a change to defend her charges! # Mrs. Shepard> What proof do you have good Reverend? Lest we be judged, we should know the truth of her sin. #Rev> You call her sweeet sister, woman, but did you not say yourself that this hussy Ravenna was out in the woods at night seeking spirits? $ :::Snaps tent shut and grins wider than the Cheshire cat::: That should insure s bit of privacy #And that is not a right Christian way, my good friends. # ::the crowd gasps at the accusation turning eyes on Pleasance's answer:: #Pleasance> I may have said that, sir, but that is not how I meant it. # Tucker> Then she has gone to the woods seeking not the Lord I expect. $ ::::Eases out under edge of tent facing the woods and silently slips away:::: #Rev> Hear her own testimony, hear her sister tell of this girl's devilish deeds. # Fletch> Tis true only evil spirits cavort in the trees, especially at night. # ::the crowd reverberates with condemnation:: #Let Ravena defend her accusations Rev.Josiah Henry,in the name of humanity! $ ::::Moves somewhat erractically through the woods first striding as if heading to a particular destination then looking around desperately ::: # ::the crowd parts, their tempers dulled slightly at the sight of a Continental soldier:: #Rev> Her lies cannot undo our truths. #::To raveana::>Go ahead my dear,state your case! $ :::Unwittingly he nears the town and hears the shouting from the square::: #Then hearing her lies won't harm you,Rev.Henry.Let Ravena speak,or turn her over to a military court to hear her case! #Rev> Let the strumpet belch forth her bile if you insist, sir. # Mrs. Shepard> Perhaps we should hear her words, good Reverend. As Godfearing CHristians, should we not know whether they are lies? $ ::Almost relunctantly edges closer but always careful to remain hidden from view:: # Hear me townspeople,you know me well all of you. Which do you want,revenge or TRUE justice? #Rev> We will get both, sir. # ::at Rev's nod, Biggs rips the gag from Ravena's mouth:: #Like you can tell the difference Rev. Henry you despot! $ ::::Mentally debates whither he should continue to investigate or leave in search of the TARDIS::: #Rev>:::Sneer at Jeffferson::: # ::spits out the cobwebs in her mouth, coughs and tries to regain her voice:: # ::when she does, she straightens as best she can and faces Rev. Henry, glare to glare:: % = edge of woods next to town #Rev> Explain yourself. #:::Contemplates shooting down Rev.Josiah Henry::but diceds it is too risky in an angry mob. # As the Reverend knows the woods border my home as they have done since the time of my mother and grandmother before her. #Widow P> :::Moves to her side, comforts her::: % Sarah Jane...:::Slaps head ::No.. no... It's... it's Ravena, the girl who helped me # If he and his ::spares a condescending glare at Biggs and Keefe:: deacons saw me there, it was only in the custom of my family. #Rev> Serpants breed serpants, always will. # ::looks at crowd:: I have never sought evil spirits near my home... ::looks at Major Jefferson:: nor have I ever encounterd an evil man in my walks. # And this strange chap who calls himself The Doctor,how'd you come across him,Ravena? #He is back at my camp. % Shouldn't I help her? No wait.. what if I do and she later gives birth to a tyrant worse than HItler? No... finding the TARDIS has to be my primary objective # That is precisely why I am standing before you now, Major. I was in the woods when the Reverend caught me-- #Enough of all this blithering, she was consorting with and summoning dark spirits, and I can prove it! # Rev> Rioght I caught her. With this! :::Holds up evil gleaming sapphire signet ring::: # Rev> We saw her summoning dark spirits through this ring! # It's a ring,Rev. Henry.What about it? % That's my ring.. I might have misplaced it since it fell off my finger after I first regenerated :::Childishly :: But it's still mine #Rev> In the light of day, summoning spirits. None shall be safe. #Adams>Rev.Henry you've been drinking again! #Widow P> She has the right to walk as she wishes and to wear a bit of jewelry if she wishes. Women are not yet slaves in this land. #Agreed,Madam. % ::With more cohenrency:: Wait... what if the old girl sent it to me? #Rev> :::Waves the ring above him, the sun glints through it, sparkling light into the eyes of the audience.::: *** _N| has joined #whosim *** _N| has left #whosim % :::Resolves himself to stay:: If so, then I MUST get my ring back or I might never find the TARDIS # ::the crowd each is blinded by the bright light:: # ::Tucker and Fletch cover their eyes with their hands, an image of a serpent emblazoned on their darkness:: # ::even old Mrs. Shepard is taken aback:: #Rev.Henry,what are you going to do with that ring? # ::as the blindness passes, Mrs. Shepard speaks:: The mark of the serpent. It is a devil's sign. % :::Strains to hear:: What indeed? #Rev> Destroy it along with this witch! #Robertson>Without even testing it? % ::Mutters:: Destroy, what is with this humans, if they can't understand something they feel they have to destroy it # Adams,Robertson,back to camp and bring back re-enforcements! Quickly now! % Wait wait ::Concentrates:: This is all wrong #::Adams and Robertson::in unison::>Yes Sir!::Hurrying back to camp. % :::Arguing to himself :: This is all wrong # ::the crowd repeats his vow in an angry murmur:: Destroy it. Destroy her. Destroy both! % The soldiers are from the end of the 18th century and the American witch trials where at the end of the 17th> # ::Biggs regags Ravena and pushes her down the meeting house steps:: # Rev.Josiah Henry,Robertson is right we should test both the ring and Ravena for signs of witchcraft! # ::Biggs pulls up short, yanking Ravena by the arm:: #Rev> On to the waters, on to God;s judgment of this sorceress! % Is time out off course? No, Arkim's razor old boy. It's far more likely it's just a case of panic under the crisis of war % I'm better off out of all this. But what thenof my ring? #::Follows the angry mob of townsfolk to the water:: #Rev> ::Starts organizing a march to the river::: #::Heads off to the river::: #Rev> The Lord our God smote the Philistines and the soldiers of Pharoah. We must act in the same spirit! % I'll simply... Blast! They're leaving #:::The crowd approches the banks of Hampton Roads::: #Pleasance> :::Sobs and follows as they drag Ravenna forward.::: # ::pushes out onto the docks, stumbles and falls by the water's edge:: # WidowP> This is muder, group murder. Officer, can't you protect this girl from these zealots? #Reverand,what is the purpose of this charade at the river? #Rev> We shall baptize this sinner in the waters of judgment. #Rev> If she is pure, then the waters will accept her. If she is a sinner, it will spew her forth and reject her, tghen she can know our punishment. #Rev> If the waters accept her, she will be welcomed into heaven. # ::Biggs pulls out more rope:: Keefe help me. Grab her feet. # I see,if she floats it's a sign of witchcraft,if she DROWNS she is an innocent! # ::Keefe hesitates, remorse filling him at the sight of terror in Ravena's eyes:: # ::Ravena struggles for calm, biting the dirty cloth stuffed in her mouth:: #Rev> :::Makes a quick signal and men begin moving to toss Ravenna::: # Biggs> Move boy! Or do you want Josiah to think you're a devil sympathizer? % :::Glares at the stupidity of her "trial" and starts to remove coat and shoes::: #::Adams and Robertson::return with 20 soldiers with them::: # ::Keefe shudders at the thought and grabs Ravena's ankles, careful to avoid her eyes:: # ::Biggs ties the rope around Ravena's wrists and down around her ankles so she's trussed up like a pig:: #Rev> Quickly, men! # ::Ravena struggles but her limbs are too weak for her captors:: #WidowP> Sweet Lord, save this innocent daughter! :::wails::: #Reverend,you are quite MAD! # Pleasance> :::Faints as she sees her sister tied up like an animal::: # Biggs> ::whispers in her ear:: The more you fight hellcat, the more we know you to be filled with the devil's spirit. #Rev> Now cast her out! % :::Sneaks to water edge as crowd concentrates on Ravena's distress::: # ::Biggs lifts Ravena by the shoulders. Keefe lifts her by the ankles:: # Reverend,if she dies an innocent I'll HANG you for MURDER! # ::they swing her back and forth until finally releasing her over the water:: # ::Ravena screams through cloth as she flies through the air, her gaze catching on a familiar face hiding in the corner of the crowd:: #Rev? Haaaa! Let the judgment of the waters commence! # #Rev> Now watch her fate! # ::then she plummets with an explosion of cold water:: *** AlxKeegan has joined #whosim # ::she slips below the lighted surface down into the murk:: % :::Sneaks to water edge as crowd concentrates on Ravena's distress::: % ::Eases himself into the water and swims near to bottom as quickly as he can:: #Rev> See, she sinks! Let the waters purify this unholy relic! :::Throws sapphire into water after her::: % ::tries to hold her breathe as long as she can, struggling to free her hands:: % ::A powerful breastroke quicikly closes the distance to Ravena:: < I will just watch> # Takes a relic ti know one,Rev.Josiah Henry! <::Passes Jelly babies to David::> % ::sees only darkness, lungs hurt with the urge to inhale:: *** Rev has quit IRC (Exit: Leaving) % ::then she feels something electric pass through the water:: % :::Sees his ring... his only link to the TARDIS drift directly to Ravena and thinks ::: Hmmm perhaps saving her was the right idea:: % ::flexes her fingers until something hard and warm slips into their grasp:: % ::::Hooks an armthrough the the tied arms of Ravena and kicks swiftly downstream from the docks:: % ::Breakss the surface near the riverbank and sloushes through the water carrying Ravena:: # ::a fierce wind whips through the air, chruning the seas and slapping the faces of the townspeople with a harsh cold blast:: # ::the people turn frightened, all look to Josiah:: #What is this? A Hurricane? % :::Smiles at Ravena:: Well at least you showed them you were innocent ::Clambers ashore:: % ::coughs and gags on the soaking cloth in her mouth, furiously tries working it out of her mouth with her jaw and tongue:: *** AlxKeegan is now known as revjos % ::Sets her down and pulls out gag:: % ::catches her breath:: Thank you, Doctor. % ::coughs:: I knew Josiah was mad, but he's gone too far this time. % :::Feels pockets for his penknife then remembers the clothes aren't his and instead works to untie knots:: #:::The Reverend looks around sees the signs he is looking for:: % ::looking back at the crowd:: I doubt the Major will stand for this kind of injustice. % Josiah is too much like his English brethren. #::Signals his men to draw their rifles and draws his pistol:: % ::her ankles freed, she stretches them in front of her:: % ::does the same with her hands, flexing her fingers but finding a curious object in her left palm:: # There they are!! % :::Like a petulant child snatches at ring:: Mine, mine, mine # GEt them!!! % Oh no. ::seeing the crowd:: Please Doctor, let me thank you by getting us away from here, lest you be judged my demon spirit conjuring my es... % ::Slips ring onto his finger as the crack of gunfire is heard:: % ::as soon as the Doctor grabs his ring, energy swirls about them and the scene abruptly changes:: #:::the Reverend grabs a pistol from one of the soldiers::: # :::he takes aim and fires at the pair:: % ::the sun is swallowed by bright blue lights, the wind quelled with a steady hum:: % There! Bck where you belong ::A familar wheezing sound is heard and the river bank becomes a library:: % ::the ground turned to a marble floor:: % ..cape. ::finishes her thought without realizing she stopped:: # :::the ball races towards the pair, but swirling energy surrounds them, becoming a tall blue box::: % :::Pleased the Doctor turns to see the Time rotor start, his smile vanishes as he sees Ravena ::You! Who asked you to come along? % VVRRROOOMMMP! Vrrooommmp! Vrrooommmp # :::the crowd hushes as the box dissapears::: % ::looking around in wonder:: What have you done? Where are we... ::looks on him as if he may just be an evil spirit:: Doctor? # FIRE at the strange contrivance::To his men. #:::the Reverend lowers the pistol, looking up into the sky::: <"The devil has claimed his own"?> <> <> Bravo! Session Close: Wed Mar 03 21:45:17 2004