New Adventures of Doctor Who  "The Renegades" Simulation

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The Time Hunters
Part Three
September 12, 2002

By Jen Kokoski
(first in the "Empire of Time" series)


We play on DALnet channel #whosim Thursdays at 9pm EST (8pm CST, 7pm MST, 6pm PST). Point your IRC program to DALnet room #whosim or sign in via the web by clicking the button below.

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Keep it friendly and PG language please. Non-game chatter is in brackets. OPEN IMPROV means light story and heavy on the improvisation. Come as you like or pick a character from the selected list below. And most of all HAVE FUN!!!


WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE: One year ago in normal space-time, the Universe endured the worst tragedy it ever forgot… in the supernova explosion of Odin's Eye the Doctor died.

Last we saw, Drax escaped from Vega Prime in the Doctor's TARDIS having inadvertantly kidnapped Fred. He was knocked out when the TARDIS was attacked by some unknown force. The TARDIS materialized leaving just Fred to find out where they were. 

Meanwhile, the Doctor and Irish learned the people chasing Drax are called the "Squids". Under direction from Vega Prime's director, they took Drax's run-down TARDIS and set off for the most likely destination of their frightened friend - the 5th planet in the most distant sector of the galaxy. 

HADES - A Martian-like planet with very little breathable atmosphere and a reddish desert. It contains only one habitable settlement - the space station on the South Pole. Protected by a special energy dome, the station is eternally sheltered in darkness away from the system's dying sun. It is home to the worst space travellers known to flaunt regulations. The central meeting place is the local watering hole aptly named THE GROTTO FOR LOST SOULS. 

Reserved roles marked by a [name]

The Doctor - [Tuna] - the wandering infamous timelord in his 10th regeneration.

Irish - [Rob] - green telepathic feline with a close connection to the TARDIS. On Earth, he pretends being a normal house cat and favored pet of the Doctor's so talks only telepathically to his friends, especially around strangers.

Eos, picture of Doctor's new companion"Fred" (Eos) - [David] - a member of the race of energy beings known as "The People".  After establishing a rapport with Irish, she risked her life to save him and the Doctor.  She has taken the human name of Winnifred Stephanie O'Connell ("Fred" for short) for herself.


Drax - a Gallifreyan classmate of the Doctor's, he dropped out of the Academy before finishing his doctorate and chose to travel the universe as an intergalactic fix-it man. He's recently fallen on hard times and the wrong side of undisclosed persons.

Blackeye McGinty - a futuristic pirate with a mean temper, one glass eye made of obsidian (hence the name Blackeye). He brandishes several laser blades. 

Ganglanders - a band of ne'er-do-wells that frequent Hades. They resemble a futuristic punk rock group but are criminals and cutthroats. Their leader stands much taller and is more educated but shares their bloddthirsty ways. 

The Hunters - Also called "Squids", they are robed figures that appear out of nowhere or in odd-looking crafts. When they come calling it means someone will disappear - forever. 

Hunter Leader - the only one to not wear a robe and the most feared of all. She has short red hair, glaring blue eyes, and dresses like a Xena-type warrior but with less shoulder pads. (Think leather skirt, tight-fitted boxum bodice, tights, thigh-high boots, and lots of weapons hanging off her belt.) She's referred to as "Commander" by her troops or "the Ice Princess" by those who fear her. 


ARRIVAL ON HADES (Fred, Drax, Ganglanders & Hunters)

Fred peeks out the open TARDIS doors and finds herself in a dirty and dimly-lit path. Overhead she sees a new set of stars reflecting off a shimmering protective dome. A few space ships fly by, one vaporizing into the dome while the others pass through a single pinpoint location. Fred hears people approaching - they are a group of hardened looking bandits with tatoos, body piercings, body armor and lots of nasty weapons. Not knowing any better, she steps out to offer a friendly greeting to the strangers. At first the leader eyes her lecherously and his compadres offer unseemly propositions she doesn't understand. But just when they start to get a bit too friendly an odd vwoorp vwoorp sounds down the path. The Ganglanders freeze in horror. One shouts "Squids!" and starts a panicked stampede away. Fred makes to follow them and see what all the fuss is about, but a hand snakes out from behind and clamps down over her mouth. Drax pulls her back into the shadows as more people march down the path. He warns her to keep deathly silent.

HADES SPACE STATION (Doctor, Irish, Blackeye McGinty)

The Doctor and Irish manage to steer Drax's TARDIS toward the red planet. Irish reports this voice (which has a very odd babbling Cockney dialect) sees an energy barrier around the only settlement on an otherwise Mars-like planet. They'll have to approach with just the right trajectory to avoid burning up. The Doctor calculates a safe path and materializes in a bustling center of a very active space station. The step out of the soda machine and are immediately confronted by a man resembling a futuristic Blackbeard. Blackeye McGinty levels a laser sword at the Doctor ready to kill him for being a "Squid".


HADES STATION (Doctor, Irish & Blackeye)

Irish morphs to tiger size and pounces on Blackeye. They tumble a bit before Blackeye (who relishes the fight) gets the better of Irish and zaps him with a small plasma dagger. The Doctor takes the advantage to swipe Blackeye's laser sword and press his advantage to the pirate. Irish is let go mad at singing his fur. The Doctor asks questions of Blackeye. Who are these "Squids" and why did he assume they were one of them? Blackeye says everyone knows who Squids are. They travel in odd machines and appear out of nowhere. If he isn't a Squid then Blackeye demands to know what's he's doing there. The Doctor says he's looking for a friend. An old associate named Drax abducted her along with his ship. At the mention of Drax's name Blackeye's mood changes and he openly embraces the Doctor. So you're one of Drax's buddies, why didn't you say? he asks with a loud boisterous laugh. Blackeye claps the Doctor on the back and tells him he must go to The Grotto then. Drax always ends up there eventually. Blackeye steers them toward the center of all activity on Hades - a lively bar named "The Grotto of Lost Souls".


As soon as the group marches past, Fred manages to escape Drax's hold enough to catch a glimpse of them. All she sees are 5 dark figures - 4 in robes and one in gleaming leather. They head off after the Ganglanders and toward the dome center. Drax tells Fred they are "Squids" probably hunting for him. It won't be long before they detect this TARDIS so they're best moving. He can't leave Fred alone in a place like this so he drags her along by the hand. They'll take a back way to The Grotto. Fred follows unhappily, skipping to keep up, and demanding answers along the way. What is this Grotto? The general meeting place. He has friends there. They'll help him get lost again. What about her, Fred demands? Drax says she can stay there awhile, perhaps indefinitely.


THE GROTTO (Fred, Drax, Doctor, Irish, Blackeye)

Blackeye brings his new friends "Doc" and Irish into The Grotto. All manner of seedy creatures, many who have fought the Doctor in previous incarnations, greet them over various toxic drinks. Blackeye calls the bartender over with a pitcher of Tarkesian Ale for Drax's buddies. Upon hearing Drax's name the bar patrons return to their drinks and conversation. Blackeye steers his foundlings to his usual table in the corner. He sloppily pours glasses of ale for all of them and he begins chatting. "So how long have you known ol' Draxy?" Before the Doctor can finish "school", Irish spots Fred enter the bar.

Drax saunters in with an arm wrapped around Fred and is greeted by a round of familiar cheers and some jeers. He's at home in the place greeting his friends and turning toward the friends he's told are waiting in the corner. Drax sees the Doctor and his expression darkens; Fred's brightens and she eagerly rejoins her friends.

Drax takes a seat at the corner table as far away from view as possible. It's time to talk. Drax is calmer now having realized Fred and her friends are not Squids. They're retros like him. So the Doctor asks why is he running? What did he do this time? Blackeye is amazed the Doc has never heard of the Squids. Everyone knows them back to their great great great great grandfather. Drax explains Theta has been out of circulation longer than that. He doesn't know about the Hunters or the Central Authority. Drax tells Theta the CA is ruling this Universe with an ironhand, rounding up anyone they think oppose the "New Order". Before he can explain more a ruckus forms at the entrance of the bar.

SPACE STATION PERIMETER (Hunter 1, Hunter 2, Hunter Leader)

After circling the center path, the Hunters track the Ganglanders into a cul de sac. The leader confronts the Ganglander leader. She names him Pyrus Gnu and declares he has been sent for. His compadres launch an attack but are quickly shot down by high-pitched lasers. Pyrus vows he will not be taken to the center alive. He launches a last ditch attempt to flee but is struck down by the Hunter Leader. She steps over him, checking his hearts-beat. Then places a recall disk in his palm. After touching a button on her wrist-glove the man fades from view. One of the Hunters reports tracks of more retros on this planet on his scanner. One has a biosignature of Drax. The Hunter Leader is keenly interested in him. Drax has been eluding them for spans. Probably out building more armeggedon machines. She orders the group split up. One set will track his capsule. The other will go with her and capture the retro.



Bar patrons whisper an alarm... "Squids"! Drax wants to take flight again, but this time the Doctor directs Fred and Irish to take him back to the TARDIS. They head out a back way into the street.

Irish directs them along the trash-filled path towards Drax's TARDIS. But when they get there, the Hunters are waiting. The Hunters drop their hoods, revealing very young faces, and pull out Gallifreyan-type stasers. They take aim and fire.

THE GROTTO (Doctor, Blackeye & the Hunters)

After directing his friends out the back way, the Doctor emerges from the table to greet these Hunters. Blackeye warns him its best to stay hidden or get away. The Doctor refuses determined to see who these new fearful enemies are. One "Squid" drops her hood and reveals a very young pretty face. She appears harmless, so he approaches forcing himself through the crowd. Then the crowd falls away as the leader makes her way inside. Appearing as a battle-worn, heavily armored Roman commander, a short-haired redheaded Jacie steps forward glaring at the riff raff.

Next time...

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